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[ Bugs ] Cross Server Arena Balanced?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 30
  • Posts: 177
On 2017-02-18 06:55:58Show All Posts
Exactly my point on

In a server where after 2.0 there was no more arena fights. Stuck below max rank forever. And we just received an apology of in how we couldn't understood how arena works. Also, to add to the case, we get this arena matching system that is completely unplayable (in my case; and others).

My only suggestion at this point is to stop arena fighting all together till they get their heads together and do the right thing; starting to give full rewards to those stuck since 2.0; because it will take 2seasons to be fully rewarded, that if you can get up on arena since we are only geting monsters. Guessing, monsters getting fish?!
Quicky Post

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