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[ Other ] Group's Summon Capture Time Situation


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 09:18:05Show All PostsDescending Order
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In my title I called it a situation, but me and some friends were talking and we discovered that the time for our Capture was off for various people. Once it is set it seems to go off of Computer time.

I don't know if this is intentional or not but one problem I have with it is that it could be potentially misleading. I set it for 18:30 server time, but one of my group mates saw it as 01:30 for the next day. I read the rules and all and I know it can't be scheduled after 23:00 or something, but the time could cause that person to think that it is infact 01:30 server time instead of local.

Could we get some clarification about this? Is this an accident or intentional? The Capture page doesn't even say that its based on their local time, so it could cause people to either show up very early or very late imo.

From when I set it:
What it says for me:
This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-2-17 09:33
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 11:09:16Show All Posts
Yeah, I know that. My point is that it could be very confusing to people who just log in and check that and see that it says another time. I mean when it's the only system that goes based on computer time it's bound to trip people up. Especially when it doesn't explain that its based on your computer time.

I brought this up only to foreshadow what I expect will be a lot of confusion from players.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 13:52:46Show All Posts
You clearly aren't here to help so why don't you get lost... (?)
Quicky Post

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