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[ Suggestions ] arena ranking seasons locked out!?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 51
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On 2017-02-17 08:53:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey I got to ask the Mods and Team i have seem to notice that you put in crosserver and made the seasons function working but i have notice that well that was a low * Oasis having that you only get the frags and seal frags after you get six sage when you have to fight troll teams like Danzo and Hidan with lightning mains root of warrior and other troll team not only that but also make it like matsuri where if you win a match you got to fight those troll teams for another point all i'm saying is either make it not like matsuri and have every fight at same power LV so its skill and not power or take out the condition of having to be Six Sage to get frags and make them all start over next session thats all i'm saying and Tobei don't say Hey like those guys tell you to just give us the lowdown of what's going on ok and sorry for this whole paragraph if there ever was an area to rant i would go there but there ain't so sorry ok?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-17 09:59:12Show All Posts
i know its just that i don't have that much initiative or do i know how to get more i try to refine my tools but they only upgrade at the last 10 needed plus since it's arena i don't know what team should be good for it not only that but i also need at least 5 more wins to be able to participate at six sage if its not the system or initiative its the troll in it ok.
Quicky Post

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