2017-02-17 10:52:36
Yeah pretty much everything people said is completly wrong.
1 thing was right tho, crit works.
Injury doesn't work, or in some ways lets say it's working, like 3000 injuri = 20 more dmg in crits, wich makes it a stat that u can ignore completly like how is CN doing.
*ion doesnt work, no matter what stats have opponent and it works on chases only just like injury around 2400 nin pen on a nin chase is 14 dmg :D, so again a stat that you can ignore.
DMG reduction it works completly fine and perfect but is a MEH stat at most.
For your gates get in this priority Initiative>att/nin>nin/att>crit>hp>resist>control>def>combo
Thanks a lot for your feedback. It really helps. Am gonna replace with all the gates u mentioned.
So basically, Atk, Def, Nin, Crit, HP, Res, Ctr, Combo, Init would be the truly useful ones.