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[ Events ] Events - 16th February


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On 2017-02-17 04:57:55Show this Author Only
I remember reading about an event pack containing 88 keys,it also guaranteed lvl 4 or 5 rune. However I cannot find it in the game. Was it cancelled?
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On 2017-02-17 05:03:27Show this Author Only
  • Darials On 2017-02-17 04:57:55
  • I remember reading about an event pack containing 88 keys,it also guaranteed lvl 4 or 5 rune. However I cannot find it in the game. Was it cancelled?
that was last week's event.
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On 2017-02-17 09:31:22Show this Author Only
  • Amaru_S199 On 2017-02-16 20:50:23
  • First off, thank you mods and devs for all the hard work. Things aren't perfect but good effort is always appreciated.
    PS: *, first time replying here, didn't mean to come up with such a wall of text.
    So events,
    1. Cross server arena and arena rewards - definitely great. The sooner it comes the better. Its a great feature but at the same time I think people have to understand how some players are incredibly impatient and frustrated. Especially for those who didn't get the chance to max their rank before this. I've had ranked searches last for an hour an a half without a match. Never got to play a single ranked match since new arena.

    2. Land of Lightning feature - its quite nice but to be honest only relevant to a small group of people. People who spend probably don't wait for these events and people who save coupons don't have the means to do much. I think many have also mentioned to variably select number of fragments for example would be nice and make it relevant to a wider audience. The problem is also for people who calculate where best to spend coupons like me.. lucky board is the way.

    3. Lucky star wheel - on paper looks good. But based on past experiences the RNG is just so bad. The reason why people really dislike it is because they don't like the feeling of hope getting smashed over and over everyday. Although free stuff is always good, the feeling it gives players is just not nice. Maybe make it more common to get 3-10 points, 2 is just too common (psychologically makes people feel bad). Its not even about not getting shurado/9 tails.

    4. Rune Stone Rebate - a welcome addition to the event roster! Again though, limited audience. Maybe add an additional rebate point at 10 and just get a really small rebate of 1? Doesn't matter how good the event, if a player gets nothing out of it, he/she won't appreciate it.

    5. Group purchase - I'm not a spender so I dont think my opinion matters here haha.

    6. Time limited Ninja's - It's generally an okay event. But i definitely won't miss it if it were removed. Might be nice if you could expand the roster of ninjas here. A suggestion to keep within the Hebihime theme- is ninjas that are more for collection rather than strength eg. Enma, obito, konohamaru and eventually fukurokumaru. I'm sure more will like it.

    7. Ninja Puzzle - Rewards are awesome! Can't complain. The puzzle is a bit mundane though, to a point i forgot to do it once the last time it was out haha. A suggestion to make it more interactive is to auto-transform to the ninja in the puzzle once we complete it. It would help make the community more fun and make for some nice group activities like mass konohamaru/choji etc.

    I think my opinions of events of the past in general is that many times it has a theme of "its all or nothing", "Go big or go home". A typical example is the last tsunade recharge event. You will realise that the most well appreciated events aren't like this. Also events which make us feel cheated/ripped off (90 fish net points for 1 guy fragment) or give us the impression that Oasis are just money hungry cheapskates - we absolutely hate. Note, i say 'feel'. Sometimes the event itself gives free stuff and rationally its good. But its the aftertaste of getting these things that make us just dislike it. Many of us are shameless freeloaders, but we don't like events that shove that fact in our faces.

    So my suggestion is maybe to lower the curves a little bit, most players appreciate it if there's something in the event for us. And lastly don't run events which make us feel like complete beggars at your mercy. In fact we are, but we don't play the game to feel that way.

    Cheers! Hoping my opinion and feedback will be useful. This post was last edited by tim*** at 2017-2-16 20:52

first i have to apologize for all the delays in my replies it has been a hectic week and you know why ;P.
Looking from the bright side,the awaited cross server arena is here (yea it has issues) but hey, give us some time and be patient once it is fixed everyone can enjoy it now and then.

on your feedbacks of the events, i have to thank all the players that has been given inputs and insights or even first impression of the events (tho some has been super sarcastic) but here is the thing, i am noting down all of the recommendations given by you guys. Apart of it getting entertained now or later is out of the questions but lets just keep pushing through for improvements requests where and when required.

Again, for all the feedbacks detailed responses, genuine and specific ideas on every aspect of the game i can only thanked you from my deepest heart. Please do not give up in giving feedbacks it's the little little changes which will account to the better of this game in the future.

Thank you.
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On 2017-02-17 10:19:02Show this Author Only
Acer1, I think oasis has a problem with understanding how the whole arena reward is supposed to work according to original chinese game. Let me explain it to you.

First of all, the whole ''you must reach six paths sennin rank at least once'' thing is fishy. I don't think that is how it works in china, or has ever worked. It does not even say that in the arena interface. This is a very simple thing, you win matches, you score, then you are supposed to receive rewards according to your rank. Why in the world would you need to be FORCED to reach the highest rank so only then you can get rewards what you deserve?

Also I'm a bit concerned if Oasis is going to understand arena rank points reward correctly. (See below)
If your rank resets when new season starts, why would you get some points? Is it supposed to be a head start for a new season? Isn't that pretty dumb, because anyone can get those points pretty quick, because you start from 0 and you will only face genin - level opponents? So, my theory is that if you have not reached six-paths-sennin rank, you will keep your rank you had when the season ended, and these points will be added to it. This helps free2play people to gain access to six-path-sennin reward eventually, and only then their rank resets after next season starts. I'm actually 95% sure it works this way in china, it all makes sense. I hope oasis doublechecks everything and corrects how things are supposed to be.
This post was last edited by dar*** at 2017-2-17 10:22
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On 2017-02-17 10:22:18Show this Author Only
Is Arena really cross server? And if so I have versed the same guy 4-5 times in a row. Started with 40 rank points now I have 35, and I am not sure how I am still queuing against them. Surely someone else with around my rank/power is in arena atm. It is really triggering me.
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On 2017-02-17 10:26:40Show this Author Only
can someone explain to me how to get arena ranked battle points? when i lose my points decreases but when i won my points didn't change or doesn't increases!!
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On 2017-02-17 12:25:06Show this Author Only
So question. Do we receive the claimable rewards from the group purchase, or do they go to the group for GNW? There isn't much written about the packs at the bottom of that event.
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On 2017-02-17 14:19:06Show this Author Only
I like ninja puzzle. : /

What's not to like about free coupons?
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On 2017-02-18 00:07:16Show this Author Only
So, since this wasn't answered in over 8 hours, I would like to ask this again.
Do we receive the claimable rewards from the group purchase, or do they go to the group for GNW? There isn't much written about the packs at the bottom of that event.
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On 2017-02-18 01:33:52Show this Author Only
I hope and pray this will be the last event they milk Konan. :L:P
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On 2017-02-18 05:23:52Show this Author Only
So, since this wasn't answered in over 14 hours, I would like to ask this again.
Do we receive the claimable rewards from the group purchase, or do they go to the group for GNW? There isn't much written about the packs at the bottom of that event.
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On 2017-02-18 05:41:51Show this Author Only
  • Austin124 On 2017-02-18 05:23:52
  • So, since this wasn't answered in over 14 hours, I would like to ask this again.
    Do we receive the claimable rewards from the group purchase, or do they go to the group for GNW? There isn't much written about the packs at the bottom of that event.
It's called group but it not refer to groups but to a group of people. If a certain number people buy it you will unlock the prize you can claim. It has nothing to do with groups.
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On 2017-02-18 05:42:39Show this Author Only
  • Austin124 On 2017-02-18 05:23:52
  • So, since this wasn't answered in over 14 hours, I would like to ask this again.
    Do we receive the claimable rewards from the group purchase, or do they go to the group for GNW? There isn't much written about the packs at the bottom of that event.
So since this wasnt answered in over 14 hours, probably no one knows and asking over and over wont help you getting any answer.
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On 2017-02-18 07:42:49Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-02-17 09:31:22
  • Hi,

    first i have to apologize for all the delays in my replies it has been a hectic week and you know why ;P.
    Looking from the bright side,the awaited cross server arena is here (yea it has issues) but hey, give us some time and be patient once it is fixed everyone can enjoy it now and then.

    on your feedbacks of the events, i have to thank all the players that has been given inputs and insights or even first impression of the events (tho some has been super sarcastic) but here is the thing, i am noting down all of the recommendations given by you guys. Apart of it getting entertained now or later is out of the questions but lets just keep pushing through for improvements requests where and when required.

    Again, for all the feedbacks detailed responses, genuine and specific ideas on every aspect of the game i can only thanked you from my deepest heart. Please do not give up in giving feedbacks it's the little little changes which will account to the better of this game in the future.

    Thank you.
I wish you would've fix it the same thing goes for cross server matsuri its been out for a long time but it doesnt work on a lot of servers LMAO even at those who work there were 1000 issues , i understand theres nothing you can really do about it its dev jobs but hey complain a bit to them sir m8 brother.
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On 2017-02-18 09:29:20Show this Author Only
  • Alfavale On 2017-02-18 05:41:51
  • It's called group but it not refer to groups but to a group of people. If a certain number people buy it you will unlock the prize you can claim. It has nothing to do with groups.
So then why haven't I received any of the packs that you can claim from purchasing something in the event?
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On 2017-02-18 10:06:08Show this Author Only
Finally cross server in arena!
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On 2017-02-20 02:07:42Show this Author Only
I wonder when they will put some GNW ninja frags in events, i mean those that where montly, in order for other that didn't get them to gather frags for them. I know we have GNW neji in lucky ninja pack but how about GNW kiba or GNW kankuro
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On 2017-02-21 03:18:03Show this Author Only
any news on the next events?
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On 2017-02-21 04:52:12Show this Author Only
Is it February 23 already? This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-2-21 09:36
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On 2017-02-22 13:19:58Show this Author Only
No but its freaking * they make us wait untill the last minute to put up the next events.
Quicky Post

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