Yeah the mood scrolls coming off the wheel is extremely disappointing. I continually have a hard time understanding the thought process behind the scenes, and it's starting to really wear me out.
You improve the wheel in 2.0 by removing the coins/ramen and adding in dango/mood scrolls instead, things which are extremely useful to players, and you pretty much get universal approval for that improvement. Now you accidentally roll out the group summons and we find out that in addition to that the mood scrolls have been replaced with a group chakra pack... Something we can get just by doing dailies. Like the poster above me said why not remove the shape shifting card, something most of us rarely use and have stacked a ton of, or heck even the level one magatama.
And I don't even want to begin to get into the arena issues because you already have several threads about it, but it would be really nice to have an update with no issues. I now have to sit and wait to see if my arena rank gets restored, or if I need to post/send proof of this issue. This just goes further into my feeling worn down by this game.