2017-02-16 17:57:28
Hi guys,
while some server are still not down for maintenance and a few are still in the progress of updating, how about some of you guys give me some impression on the latest event this week.
First look impression, your insight and what would you hope. Any suggestions and feedbacks are allowed as well, but please keep it in a proper manner.
Be strategic, detailed and specific. Go!
My first impression: Not many f2p will have a fun week ahead unless they're coupon horders.
Just asking. Is it possible to sched rebate events and let ppl know about it so they don't end up using their keys/ scrolls/ runes a few days before the event comes? There was an event before ( I forgot what it's called tho) where they ask you to refine 100 times. Next week comes and there's a refinement event lol. Can you keep that thing from happening?