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[ Events ] Events - 16th February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-16 11:40:23Show All Posts
  • God Revan On 2017-02-16 11:37:51
  • What about Itachi SS? :P
future treasures give his frags too so u can get frags plus new ninjas
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-16 12:30:05Show All Posts
  • Mr. Doe On 2017-02-16 12:08:16
  • I am not a developer, I'm an administrator (that is my displayed function below my avatar).
    We have different functions in the game.
    We communicate, take decisions, translate if needed and help as much as we can.

    We haven't forget all (most of you) of you wish for the level cap to be raised/increased, but we are also concerned about other functions in the game, which we are trying to improve!
could you give us a little information about some of the things you guys are currently working on adding/improving? Not when its expected to be out but just some things we can look forward to?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-16 23:41:45Show All Posts
  • Acer1 On 2017-02-16 17:57:28
  • Hi guys,

    while some server are still not down for maintenance and a few are still in the progress of updating, how about some of you guys give me some impression on the latest event this week.

    First look impression, your insight and what would you hope. Any suggestions and feedbacks are allowed as well, but please keep it in a proper manner.

    Be strategic, detailed and specific. Go!


1) Arena rewards and cross server - very good been waiting on it since it came out

2) Land of lightning - not worth the coupons for me, i can get better rebates/discounts elsewhere

3) Lucky Star wheel - not worth coupons the rng is too bad for me free spins only for cave keys because of the rebate

4) Cave Key rebate - Been saving for this so have 300, sadly still dont get keys from tree or i could have saved more, still nice to finaly get it

5) Group buy - 20% off if u buy on ur own 40% off if u get max buys, not worth it unless enough people buy the pack and even then only the mags r something i want

6) Limited Ninjas - Already have Ao and dont want the second hebihime since its a waste of coupons for the collection and i can buy her later when i have no better reason to use coupons

7) Puzzle - f2p event with nice rewards, 140 coupons and 2 seal scrolls for free, the first puzzle doesnt give anything good tho, could u change the food for a mag or something?

8) Unannounced Group Summons - THANK YOU
Quicky Post

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