2017-02-16 18:25:45
99% of ppl here doesn't know the difference between a forum moderator and a developer.
50% of the ppl here are jobless, which is not that bad a thing but they are so dependant on bashing the game that they make it their first priority in their life. sad life i would say. Go out guys, make something else as ur first prio, learn and try getting a job, its hard but its rewardful in the end.
40% of the ppl here wants compensation for something that everyone couldn't do, not that the compensation will really help them but just for arguing sake, they want compensation.
glad to see atleast 1% sensible ppl here. You guys have seen a lot, you must be laughing everytime at these replies na :P :D
And you are * how can there be 99% 50% and 40% and 1% do you even know simple math? This post was last edited by Njlr at 2017-2-16 18:28