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[ Bugs ] Fateful Encounter


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 16:09:35Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey there.

During Fateful Encounter I had a symbol and a guy with the same symbol joined my team: then I had changed symbol, and before leaving the previous team and start searching for my half of the apple, another guy with the same new symbol joined the team I was in. It resulted in the disappearing of my symbol and no points gained, so basically I've just wasted a chance.

Posted there so you can look into this; I also guess there's no hope in getting these 5 points back. Seems irrelevant, but it's one less key for me.
Down in the thread, there is a post of mine with screenshots attached.

This post was last edited by Giizis at 2017-2-14 19:20
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 19:42:45Show All Posts
  • MM®Yusuke On 2017-02-14 19:27:12
  • thats not bug, deppen what free simbols. all can join if u have it
    about u saying u lost point, im not sure. except u can take SS
    1 days u can get 30 pt, additional for ppl with medal 10.
    now already 6 day after the event fatefull is starting, so im sure u have 180pt or 240pt. but its if u do fatefull event since the begining.
    u can count self how much u have pt, count from u'r exchange list. if u trade 12 key its 180 pt u have now
Bug isn't people joining an open team, dude. Bug is matching symbols and not gettin' points as a reward.

Don't you think I have already counted points for myself before coming here?
I've gotten 30 points daily and always bought advanced refines. Today I've gotten 25 points out of 30 for this bug, I have screenshots that can prove it doing some simple math.

Since I have lost 5 points out of nowhere, it is a bug.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 19:54:31Show All Posts
Here the two screenshots:
1. As you can see from the first one, I don't have any symbol left; means that all my six attempts are gone.
2. Let's do some simple math: I've bought 15 advanced refines for 150 points. These are 6 attempts per day for 5 days, from Thurday to Monday, so exactly 150 points all gone in that kind of item. Then I didn't bought anything else and I'm at 25 points instead of 30. 5 points are missing.

If the team can do something about it and integral screens are needed, I can provide 'em via pm.
Just don't wanna see my forum account related to the in game one since I wanna be free to report misbehaviour without being bothered in game.
This post was last edited by Giizis at 2017-2-14 19:17
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-15 02:18:19Show All Posts
  • r3c0v3r On 2017-02-14 23:31:25
  • They always require screenshot, jump the gun, save some time, and post the pic.
Alright, edited previous post. This post was last edited by Giizis at 2017-2-14 19:20
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-15 04:33:48Show All Posts
  • Rekkles On 2017-02-15 02:21:01
  • When you say symbol you mean the titles " Love " and " Fate " ?
I mean every kind of symbol, also numbers: it was just a way for saying I've coupled 6 times today, as always. I don't care about the temporary title, I care about my 5 missing points ò.ò
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-15 16:06:53Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-02-15 13:41:20
  • Hey

    Could it be possible that you rolled the symbol by accidently thinking that the person who joined your team activated the animation?

Unlikely, I'm pretty sure I always refreshed my symbol when there was nothing standing on my head.
Quicky Post

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