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[ Updates ] About incoming merges.


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On 2017-02-13 23:29:57Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, i;m Nemesis from s169:Rhino and today i found out that my server is going to get merged. At first i was happy to see that it will finaly happen but then i started checking who are we geting merged with and let's just say i had a surprise . So i checked s166 first and everything seemed fine when it came to a comparation of lvl and power but then when i went to s163 i saw a huge difference in power overall. First of all the difference in power betwen our top 1 and their top 1 is around 17k and if you continue to compare the next ranks you will see the same power gap that will become imposible for moust of us to even get close. After all the bad reactions i saw from the other players on my server i would sugest to check again if s169 and s163 would be a good merge option cause it might do more harm than good makeing moust of the players quit resulting in this merge being a complete failure. I think the best thing would be if only s 166 and s169 would merge considering the balance of power is fair and it would make the game more enjoyable. That's all i had to say for now and i hope i will get a response till it's not to late.
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On 2017-02-13 23:48:12Show All Posts
Yea, i try to see it as a challenge as well but you know what this game is all about , no matter how hard you try a 10-15k power lead will just destroy anyone. And if nothing changes at least i tryed :D
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On 2017-02-14 00:32:56Show All Posts
For now all we can do is wait for a response from an oficial but until then it would be nice if everyone would express their opinion on this merge to make it clear what everyone really wants.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 01:32:41Show All Posts
  • Ian123456 On 2017-02-14 01:25:54
  • LOL i get ur feeling but it won't matter. Think of the people in 163. Who should they merge with? Should the developers wait till someone from another server gets to about the same power as the top players in 163? Like what if that never happens? Also i'm sure most people within s163 wants a merge after suffering from the top player being way stronger than the average. They finally get to be "bullies" and beat the other people in other servers. (i mean they get stuck with the P2W top power since server started... :()

    Side note: And please don't say merge them with like server 7 or whatever... (they're way ahead of server 163 in terms of free ninjas (like GNW Neji.. something idk) and level on average)
    Personal experience from S168 This post was last edited by sai*** at 2017-2-14 01:28
As somone else posted on this thread earlyer it seems that s172 would be closer to them in terms of power. And as i said before i don;t think that there is any competition when you will get 1 shot in the first round cause of a huge power difference.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 01:34:22Show All Posts
  • Syldor On 2017-02-14 01:27:37
  • wtf are you guys talking about oO
    your server gets merged with 2 others that are about the same age and yeah mb there is a few players who pay on one of the servers but do you want to be on dead server alone? or do you want competition under the top players?
No, i don't want my server to be dead at all but this will happen if we get merged and nothing will change. As i said i don't mind competition and i would welcome with my open arms the players from s166 to have a fair fight with close power that will be enjoyable and not just a meat grinder.
This post was last edited by Acorex at 2017-2-14 01:35
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-14 01:54:57Show All Posts
  • Ian123456 On 2017-02-14 01:50:03
  • LOL have u heard of "Agarthor"? the guy featured in Kaizer's videos? He's in our server.. he's like 70+k while 2nd highest is 45k. There's no competition already regardless on what servers we merged with.

    AND YES he can one shot/2shot anyone when he uses his Ay team (idk why he doesn't use it now)...
    This post was last edited by sai*** at 2017-2-14 01:52
That dosen't mean that all servers need to be like that. Also here we are not talking about 1 strong dude and the rest are equal, the power difference is clear. Our top 3 will prob go to rank 13-16 after this merge and that should tell enough. Also i really don't find the fun in growing up with others for a long period of time and all of the suden people that had the chance to play more than you appear on your server and start to nulify your progress.
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On 2017-02-14 01:58:39Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-02-14 01:56:40
  • Hey

    Unfortunately, Once servers have been selected, there's little we can do about it.
    There have been instances of servers who were unhappy with how selections occurred however, results remained the same.
    But I understand the frustration.

    I'll talk with the team to see if anything is possible.

Thank you for your reply. I know that other servers might have complained but as far as i know that was after the merge, i hope changes can still be made but if not i understand. Thanks again for your suport.
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On 2017-02-14 02:09:11Show All Posts
  • Ian123456 On 2017-02-14 02:04:06
  • OK then you tell me what should the solution should be? Also PLS... no one should be slowing down because you can't play as much as other people in other servers.
Merge servers with similar power and lvl? And it's not about the fact that i can;t play as much, i literaly could not play when the people from s163 were, my server did not even exist at that time. In this game time is everything and they had plenty of time to get more power. Just because a server is dead dosen;t mean the remaining players should just be put in an unfair position.
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On 2017-02-14 02:23:19Show All Posts
  • Ian123456 On 2017-02-14 02:16:49
  • it's the power difference really THAT SIGNIFICANT? i don't think 10k power or so is considered too wide of a gap to catch up. Since most top players reached lv 85 and their power would not grow as fast as people not max leveled yet lv 80s. (I mean if they don't recharge regularly.. like some people in our server...)And also like should Oasis 1) stop and not merge the 3 servers and let them slowly die? 2) Merge the 2 servers and let 163 die? 3) Merge 163 with another "strong" server (probably lower down but not too far down? server 200ish) Then the other servers close to 200 would start complaining? I think Oasis have already weighted out the pros and cons for merging the 3 servers beforehand and decided that this is the best situation (it maybe wrong XD).

    LOL and did you think other servers that got merged with us and saw our strong players Agar 70k+ and Kutto 45k+ feel sad? While their top player is like 35-8k? SURE THEY DID. DID people quit? NO, they keep on playing this game and some already caught up with Kutto in terms of power.
    This post was last edited by sai*** at 2017-2-14 02:20
Hmm, i guess you did not read that the top 1 of their server has around 17 k power more with superior ninjas and all but hey, i said my point and i have no reason to argue with you anymore, that was my opinion and some even agreed with me from what i saw . From now on it's only Oasis's decision. Merge 3 dead servers to create just 1 that will be dead in less than a week or so, great deal.
Quicky Post

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