Server ID: S93-Karui
Server Region: UK
Server Age: 9 months + or stgh around this
Sage World: In every battlefield there are like 12 players (in each) and is rlly good like participation and fight way.Is somehow equilibrum here.
World Boss: Around 5-10 minutes to kill Kurama, depends on participation(if top 7 are there mybe world boss is death like in 3-4 minutes)
Groups in GNW: Only 3, recently the fourth one merged with first one so basically there are just 2 important groups and another one which is just participating(low in power and players). Qualifiers stage is made in 3. each day i think less players :( its getting boring here.
Average Power: top 20: 1-54 338 ; 20-41 698
top 20-50 ; 21- 41 485 ; 50- 33 099