1. Server ID: S133 Nawaki
2. Server Region: UK (Europe)
3. Server Age: 5 Months
4. Sage Battlefield: Usually 3 teams of 6-7
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 8-10 minutes
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
7. Power Rank of:
Power of 1-5: 51k-44k
Top 6-10: 43k-39k
Top 11- 20 : 38k-32k
8. AVG Power
Top 1-5 : 46.5k
Top 6-10: 41.1k
Top 11-20: 35.9k
I think it is also helpful to point out, that out of the current top 20, 4 have quit and 2 are very inactive.
Thank you for considering S133 for a merge.