2017-02-14 06:48:38
There are two possible interpretation of the wording (which, unfortunately, is no more clear in the Chinese ver).
One, hp loss is described as the process of losing hp, therefore it works as you think
Two, hp loss is the current state of the character, in which case healed amount will counter act the effect.
In this case, I believe it is #2, because I'm fairly sure that there is no +stat animation when hinata is hit, which usually happens when it is a triggered (and semi-permanent/permanent) buff/debuff. If it was #1, every time hinata loss hp, she should be shown to gain stat.
Therefore, i don't think her ability works the way you think it does.
you are correct Hinata's Strong Will passiv works the same way Naruto's Strenght passiv works, its just inconsistency in the skill descriptions