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[ Lineup ] Lightning main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 05:01:36Show All Posts
i recoment hinata kakshi andsasuke when ur lvl 60 scince ur getting there so get there soon but for now just pick some thing that u like and does best then see who u combo with and what u have in common to combo with so u can get a team that does a lot of dmg to others btw when u get to lvl 60 use sasuke hinata and kakshi while using the following skills: lightning armor, lighning sword,lightning assasination sword, enchantment of lightning style ninja, then blood tursty demon or clone, use this thing called goose wood or ghost kill and depending if u use either depends or where to use them either have hinata in the middle place sasuke behind her and place kakashi above sasuke and urself below (or u ba be above and kakashi can go below) if u use ghost kill but goose wood is diffferent for goose wood u place hinata in the middle u or sasuke behind her then kakashi to your bottoom left side of either u nd sasuke and either u or sasuke is infrount of him
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