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[ Help ] Increasing lvl cap?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-11 20:02:12Show All Posts
Just enjoy the current cap. Sometimes we are asking too much and sooner or later we will run out of updates. There is still so many things we can do at this current level cap.
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On 2017-02-12 03:31:43Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-02-11 21:41:48
  • what is there to do at the current cap that we cant do at a higher cap? i have 440.5% exp rght now, if our exp rates stay the same as germany then i need 51mil exp more to instantly hit cap without any missions, the lvl 84 missions gave around 22mil exp so as is i might hit cap day 1 if we get 2 full lvl mission chains in the update.

    my strengthens are capped so i cant do anything with those(plus im saving 50mil for cap increase), finished exam 120 so cant do anything with that besides sweep, already working on 8gates but im hoping cap will give us the extra slot, gear is all red and im buying the mats from the shop so when exam increases i can instantly level it all without stamina(well over half way there), only need 160 more med threads for ba so in a month if i buy them from monthly event i will be done with sa. im working on awakening and cultivating ALL 90 of my ninjas who are lvl 85 already.

    what else is there to do at the current lvl cap?
Here is what you can do:
- Farm Ninja tools, max them to level 22
- Farm gear upgrade materials (you need 240 jade of black tortoise, and that is just one type of materials)
- Farm and upgrade your ninja to 4* and above.
- Farm better 8chakra runes (do you have all of them red ones or even goldl?)
- Farm arena points, ranking points group points coz you will need them.
- Get your summon runes to level 10
- Get all summon including King of hell
- Try to kill the Extreme Cat level in Rich field
- Try out different team, change to other main and learn their strengths and weaknesses.
- Make lots of team composition not just limited to one
- Help your groupmates by doing wanted, TI, answer questions
- Contribute to community by making guide or help answers
- Watch all Kaizer's, ScionStorm, SwigittySwag, Dripsha, Memo NA, Fu Kenson vidoes (now that is alot of videos) to learn stuff
- Go out and have a date with love ones (special someone or family)
- Learn how to cook without burning stuff
- Do your laundry
- Clean up your bed and jog outside for 30 minutes
- Try to touch your elbow using your tounge
- Enjoy life, there is so much more than just Naruto Online

Again, unless you spend a lot of money and a lot of time in the game, then you might have accomplished some of the stuff, but then agian like I said, there is so much more things to do in game. Do not rush coz at the end of the day it is not how fast you can get things done but it is more about consistency, determination by playing continuously but enjoying your life at the same time.

I am pretty happy with level 85 cap, no problem with whatsoever, but what it would have been better if OG did not allow for EXP once reaching 85 to stack, so that once level 90 comes out, then we will try to level up.
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On 2017-02-12 06:57:03Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-02-12 04:14:20
  • -ninja tool cap is 20 not 22, all of mine r 17 and i have to wait for reset before i can farm more, i c*so farm them at a higher lvl just the same, and once they r capped thats 1 less thing i have to do a week
    -i already said i was farming them i have over 950 out of the 1600 materials needed
    -17 5* ninjas 25 4* ninjas 5 2* ninjas(gnw ninas that havent come out again and konohamaru) 44 3* ninjas i am working on getting my 4* to 5* already but there is a limit to stamina in the day
    -rng keeps giving me nin/tai pen and injury instead of the gold ones i want, 14 gold equipped ive synthesized over a dozen worthless gold and have 2 red ice runes im not using, if i get lvl cap increase i will do more damage to 9tails so i can farm this faster
    -group points go to med refine runes, arena points can only be farmed 600 a day from 2 missions(takes me 5min max), im number 1 on ranked so i have over 100k points saved already, over 130k survival coins saved as well i think ive saved enough since i can 5* a ninja that costs 1500 points per 5 frags with my current savings
    -working on it, but a higher lvl cap doesnt stop me from working on it or slow my progress at all
    -thats just a cash shop thing u buy enough scrolls u get him
    -if i go lightning main i can but i dont want to swap back and forth from fire main
    -ive tried many teams because my server is highly competitive so 1 team will get me countered sooner or later, i dont like the other mains thats y im fire right now, the others r boring, i know their strengths and weaknesses thats how i figure out how to beat them
    -ive been doing that for over 7 months now
    -ive done so but how is that related to the game or lvl cap?
    -i only watch them if i want a laugh half the time i view their videos they say something that is totaly wrong, the other half i already know because i play the game in other versions as well
    -done, game related how?
    -ive known how to cook for years, and again game related how?
    -... getting sick of repeating myself
    -yes there is and i do other things as well, this game doesnt take much time out of the day

    nothing on ur list CANT be done at 90 THE SAME EXACT WAY as 85, everything is the same except for coins which i would get more of with the power gains from leveling and strengthening. Also when 90 comes out it will bring the elite instance with ningendo so i can farm frags for 1 more ninja

    ok ur happy with 85, so stay 85 and let me get 90, there r people on my server who r staying 80 just so they can be in the lower SWB group, so whats the reason every1 should stay 85 rather than increasing cap to 90?
Ah, yes, level 20. Sorry about that.

The way I see it, you or rather we still have so much things to do. Initially, I was in your shoes too, I wanted updates etc etc. But then I realize, maybe I am asking too much? I remember there was a very good video by Scion explaining this kind of feeling of getting bored because there is no updates etc. I will try to look for it and link you to it, maybe you can get some pointers on what you can do.

Regarding your server being competitive, now don't you think that is a very good sign? I would prefer a competitive server any time than a dead server where you can't even do Sage World Battlefield.

For me, I am just enjoying the pace of the game, I am making it a way to release my stress rather than being stress about it because there is no update. I enjoy fighting other players and chatting with groupmates at the same time reading stuff in forum watching people QQ'ing while going through discord to see what people are talking about.

Seeing your stacked EXP, its OK. I am contented with the level cap. Whether they increase it or not. Not taking the game as serious as I can like a month and a half ago, but still doing my best to do my dailies, doing events, and have a good pvp.
#NOTE: Looks like Shadoblade thread starter, I thought you are the thread starter that is why I added EXP.

This post was last edited by Phan at 2017-2-12 03:07 This post was last edited by Phan at 2017-2-12 03:40
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 04:42:59Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-02-13 01:40:40
  • Hello,

    I'm sorry but that won't happen. If anything, we will increase level cap to level 90 (at max). Definitely not 100.
And when you upgrade the cap, make sure disable the EXP stack once reaching maxed level, so that once the level cap increased again, it will take ages for these people who Q_Q because they have reached maxed level so fast time to get maxed level again.
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On 2017-02-13 05:32:53Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-02-13 04:49:19
  • if they remove exp stacking then whoever gets the indras ambition title will get it until the next cap increase with no way of losing it for months, and if it takes too long to increase this cap then some people will instantly hit lvl 91-1exp day 1 of the new cap and whoever logs on first will have the title for that server
A title in exchange of giving the players to do and prevent them from Q_Qing after reaching level 90 cap within 2 days after the level 90 cap is released. Totally worth it. Not that the title gives anything nice, it is not even worth putting on *atleast for me*. I rather put on 'Bully on the Battlefield', 'Ranking King', 'Strongest ', 'Strong Power', 'Surrounded By fans'.

Why did we have the EXP stacking in the first place? What is the point of having level cap when we can stack EXP and once the cap has been raised, you suddenly become capped again? Do you see my point? As far as I can remember, when we had level 80 cap, we did not have any EXP stacking when we reach cap, and it was fun to go out and do quest to level up.

Let me use your statement to answer you with a question, how about if we have level 90, and it takes 6 months for level 100 to be released " then some people will instantly hit lvl 100 day 1 of the new cap"? And people will QQ because they have so much EXP and can't do anything etc etc.. and the vicious cycle will start over and over again..

Anyway, that is my 2 cents. We are free to express our opnion, not saying you are wrong or whatsoever, but surely there are better ways to go around it, at the end of the day we just hope for the best OG does not messed it up just like how they mess up the EXP stacks for level 85 cap. This post was last edited by Phan at 2017-2-13 01:34
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-13 22:08:35Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-02-13 21:23:55
  • We are not going to remove stacking. Sorry.
Alright. Then expect when OG increased the CAP everyone will get to level 90 in day 1 and you will hear the Q_Q again after a few weeks regarding level cap.

I am not expecting alot from OG in the first place, because so far most of the decision making was poorly made, somehow improving lately but looks like it is returning back to the original state.
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On 2017-02-14 04:16:04Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-02-13 23:24:49
  • There is no way someone will be able to hit level 90 in day 1. That is almost impossible.
I have around 332% or exp in my EXP bar and I am at rank 7 in terms of EXP with 316m total EXP reason is I do not even bother to level as hard as I can, while rank 1 in EXP has 348.5m EXP, that is 32m EXP more. Now you tell me, if level 90 cap will be released within 1-2 months time, we will have so much EXP that it is enough to get us from level 85 straight to 90.

Here I made a simple calculation with 20% increment in base EXP per level. Lets say OG release level 90 cap today, for me, I can reach nearly level 87, gonna do my plot quest and tada might reach 88 - 89, surely there are quest along the way so easy EXP. Meanwhile for the rank 1 exp in the server, she is somewhere around 32% going to level 89, and doing quest along the way, easy peasy level 90.
Anyway, I do not want to complaint about it, I think it is fine just the way it is *grin*. Just telling you the reality, that once it is out, expect that people will still complain coz they dont have anything to at level 90 on day 1.

This post was last edited by Phan at 2017-2-14 00:17
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On 2017-02-14 04:24:45Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2017-02-14 04:16:43
  • only thing we need to get is F!cking cross server tournament or cross server pvp events....thats the worst thing which is still missing, that broken matsuri is not enough. most days we are getting random ppl or 95% from same server (merged servers).

    i dont want lvl cap upg...we need competitions and tournaments. NO is seriously lacking in this kind of events. we have soon 400 servers ^^
Yes. Agree. OG should make it in a way that the PVP in this game interesting, that will help to keep the players interested. NOt just money grabbing event that is being recycled every month, make a pvp tournament too (which directly push players to recharge more to be more competitive)
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On 2017-02-14 16:03:09Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-02-14 09:37:12
  • Money grabbing you say? Yet, you didnt mind this week events, im in no way judging you, just find a bit hypocrite coming from you.
I do not have to explain myself to you why I recharged this week. You are not my mom :/

We do have to agree most of the events from OG are money grabbing especially since Dec - Jan period with terrible exchange ratio, some of them are bad, but this time it is pretty good for the rebate plus balloons.
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On 2017-02-14 18:50:59Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2017-02-14 16:11:52
  • Right, doesnt mean, ur not a hypocrite :)
Does not matter what you call me really or think what I am. As long as I am winning and I am happy with it :)
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