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On 2017-02-10 09:02:19Show All PostsDescending Order
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Wasn't really sure where to put this so I just settled for General, What is the general Attitude for Camping in Sage world?
Like Just going after one guy to stall him or eliminate him? Because it's very nearly started a boycott of the event by one of the groups on the server.
The main issue is that the top player who has around 11k more power than the number 2, constantly belittles the opposing group after he defeats them, I haven't taken Screenshots yet because I'm hoping he'll just get bored of the monotony of it and actually let the other people participate.
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On 2017-02-10 09:10:37Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-02-10 09:06:50
  • It's a dirty move, the only solution is to top up or wait for the merge I guess.
But the group collectively is very close to just boycotting the event and that just feels unfair to the rest of the players on the server.
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On 2017-02-10 09:20:14Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-10 09:18:07
  • The action itself is obviously quite dirty. That said, there are times where there are simply no other target showing up (battle finishing) between when you kill a person and when they rez, this is especially true if the server is low population, which yours might be as a single group boycotting sounds like it can kill sage. based on your description of the case, this does not appear to be the case, but rather intentional. Still, just want to put it out there (I have killed the same person 3 times in a row before, I wasn't camping him....)

    You can somewhat counter this by exiting the battle field(F5 out at end of the fight) and re-entering it sometime later, hoping the camper is engaged. Problem with this is that it can only be done a limited number of times I believe before the game does not allow you to re-enter (even if you still have morale left)
No he just sits there targeting us one by one, If we leave it's only him and few other people and it ends before anyone can do anything...
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On 2017-02-10 09:52:16Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-02-10 09:43:28
  • I'm having the same problem but in my case it's even dirtier. A bunch of p2w from one group are doing what you said and feed their win streak to their weak members, those weakling after got feed exit the battlefield in order to be safe.
    That group is example of group hoarding, play dirty and cancer of this game.
    But nothing can be done about that except for merge or one of you guys top up and beat them in term of money.
Thankfully it's just the one guy, but as for Beating him in the money department... Yeah that's not happening, I know for a fact the 2nd highest spender only spends marginal amounts on the game compared to the thousands The..."perpetrator" has and refuses (quite profusely and sensibly) that he's not going to waste MORE money on a game just to beat one... What's a name that's neither offensive nor too harsh... *? Hypocrite? Trump?(that one is too far) let's go with Spume! That's both fun and apt for this case.
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On 2017-02-10 09:52:44Show All Posts
Oh dear I went on a tangent,my apologies.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 10:30:29Show All Posts
Note: Sorry,the post does not exist or has been deleted
I don't recall camping others, would you mind refreshing my memory?
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On 2017-02-10 10:33:27Show All Posts
  • s177 Kira On 2017-02-10 10:24:33
  • I'm aware of this issue and rather surprised this user would bring this issue up publicly.
    In short, "treat others the way you expect to be treated yourself" applies to this person. He's done no different when he was leading in the power rankings and he's done much more shameful things which I won't speak of.

    @ the OP no need to bring this up publicly. Settle it face to face in person, how bout a simple PM to start it off
This wasn't a public shaming, but an attempt to get a better grasp on the attitude towards the validity of the camping out tactic, As for leading the scoreboard would you mind enlightening me as to the perceived wrongs I have wrought out that are so shameful?
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On 2017-02-10 10:35:08Show All Posts
  • knsdnas On 2017-02-10 10:30:42
  • nope, i don't, i played that server from day 1...i never missed a single day and i know who camp who.and i know the reason.
The reasons for attacking another player on a battlefield?
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On 2017-02-10 10:37:20Show All Posts
I do believe this Thread has gone off topic, This was merely a feeler towards the general populace's opinion towards Sage World Battlefield camping tactics
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 10:53:53Show All Posts
  • On 2017-02-10 10:48:38
  • As a player of server this refers to I wont reveal who I am but it is a issue between the #1 group. People of the #2 group posted this thread, hence they camp quite a few members of the #1 group that are weak. So #1 group simply gives them taste of their own medicine by camping them and making sure they cant get wins so they can see what its like to be treated unfairly.

    You know the saying treat others how you wanna be treated. Yeah that applies. @poster I wont reveal your in-game name, but if you don't want to be killed. Then converse with your group and stop having them camp. I mean 4th strongest camping someone 20k+ power under them seems unfair.

    The Thread owner forgot to mention that, and if you wanna add screenshots I'll add all 45+ screenshots of you doing it for weeks on weeks on weeks. your move
Yes at the end of Sage, which I haven't participated in at least 2 months because of work, tonight I hopped on to see why my group-mates were complaining and was targeted 2nd in the opening minutes after the aggressor finished off the only viable threat on the other team, I of course decided not to waste my time after the 3rd consecutive battle as I watched him let others on my team by.
Quicky Post

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