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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 10:34:04Show All Posts
  • knsdnas On 2017-02-10 10:30:42
  • nope, i don't, i played that server from day 1...i never missed a single day and i know who camp who.and i know the reason.
Akuna rarely plays sage at all. But of course being a 'day 1' person, you should know that.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 10:41:15Show All Posts
  • s177 Kira On 2017-02-10 10:36:03
  • Let's leave out camping and discuss another issue. Let's talk about your group order to boycott that player.
    Our whole group is aware of you and your Senior and Leader giving an executive order for no one to party with them otherwise there will be consequences. Over what if I may ask? Jealousy? leave your personal issues off forums and deal with it like a man.
    Your bout the only player who brings such minuscule personal issues publicly and judging from your posts you're language in your post towards that player is rather aggressive and vulgar and most people reading this would agree with me to a certain extent.

    Next time you want to start such a thread, please remember to include all details rather than an one sided story. Our group can vouch for this player and your actions so please let this thread die. Settle it face to face with him.

    Requesting mod to close this.
    This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-2-10 10:37
Oh this is hilarious. The only 'rule' our group has is no drama. It is the only enforced rule. Carry on with that bs.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 10:47:25Show All Posts
  • knsdnas On 2017-02-10 10:38:38
  • kira only fought u 1 or 2 time not even 3,and u called that camp?Your group leader was camping our members the whole time.
'Group leader' only had 4 wins and only hit the same person twice in a row by mistake. The leader doesn't have enough power to camp anyone.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 11:27:31Show All Posts
  • On 2017-02-10 10:48:38
  • As a player of server this refers to I wont reveal who I am but it is a issue between the #1 group. People of the #2 group posted this thread, hence they camp quite a few members of the #1 group that are weak. So #1 group simply gives them taste of their own medicine by camping them and making sure they cant get wins so they can see what its like to be treated unfairly.

    You know the saying treat others how you wanna be treated. Yeah that applies. @poster I wont reveal your in-game name, but if you don't want to be killed. Then converse with your group and stop having them camp. I mean 4th strongest camping someone 20k+ power under them seems unfair.

    The Thread owner forgot to mention that, and if you wanna add screenshots I'll add all 45+ screenshots of you doing it for weeks on weeks on weeks. your move
I want to see the pics. Post them. Group 1 has 1.13 million power while group 2 has 1.08 million. Group 1 has the strongest player at 60k. Our strongest is at 48k. Our strongest rarely, if ever plays sage. Group 1 has the 2 strongest in sage. Only 4 of the top 10 strongest that actively participate in sage are in the top 10 in power. They rock 5 with the 2 strongest. The next 10 (11-20) we have 3 that participate. 1 quit and 1 doesn't have the ability to show up during the week most days. They have 5 that show up. So, we don't have the ability to camp whatsoever because power wise, we can't, even if we wanted to. We start off outnumbered 10-7 in top 20 power. Most sage's were really at 5-6 total. Our group literally scrambles to get what wins we can before we get knocked out systematically. Just to show the disparity. They had 8 of the top 10 spots in sage. We had one finish 7th and one finish 9th. We had 2 guys with 40k+ power finish 21st and 23rd out of 28th. One of which is one of the accused 'campers'. But apparently we're the problem. So go ahead and post the pics. But I know you won't because they don't exist.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 13:01:50Show All Posts
  • knsdnas On 2017-02-10 12:54:23
  • You cant hit someone by mistake......ofc he can camp our members hes #12 power ranking.
It's easy. You click on someone and leave it on auto. Get up to go do something. Come back. Click the person standing next to you in the spawn area. Which is why it was an accident, and not intentional. Let's not act like the guy he hit was weak. Leader is in 12th place at 32k, the guy who he hit twice by accident is 30k. Not a major power difference. This post was last edited by 116***@facebook at 2017-2-10 13:08
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-10 13:05:30Show All Posts
  • On 2017-02-10 12:13:44
  • As I stated it is not currently my move. My move comes next and it depends entirely on the choices of the other
i.e. no pics. Either post them or move along. You're not fooling anyone. The main poster has already said who he is. It's not a big secret. He even acknowledged it on the server to the guy he was talking to.
Quicky Post

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