As a player of server this refers to I wont reveal who I am but it is a issue between the #1 group. People of the #2 group posted this thread, hence they camp quite a few members of the #1 group that are weak. So #1 group simply gives them taste of their own medicine by camping them and making sure they cant get wins so they can see what its like to be treated unfairly.
You know the saying treat others how you wanna be treated. Yeah that applies. @poster I wont reveal your in-game name, but if you don't want to be killed. Then converse with your group and stop having them camp. I mean 4th strongest camping someone 20k+ power under them seems unfair.
The Thread owner forgot to mention that, and if you wanna add screenshots I'll add all 45+ screenshots of you doing it for weeks on weeks on weeks. your move