Space Ninja Cow
2017-03-03 01:06:12
Just pulled Ay and managed to clear out kage aside from susanoos.
Currently a wind main considering switching to MB.
I have giant katsuya and money cat, I may pull some more at summons if another summon is clearly superior.
Out of tendo I have everyone there except for Gakiko and Hashirama.
Can you provide pointers for 1v1 teams and 9tails team?
I've seen mention of Mb, Ay, Darui *WB Asuma or Mabui*.
Can it get any better? Mifune any good here? Also talents will be helpful.
Congrats for getting Ay.
I wont recommend pairing with WB Asuma (because he is wind, will not get buffed by darui barrier), you c*e Mabui (if you want a debuff remover or healer in team + extra chakra + shields).
Mifune will be good in this formation because he's gonna buff your darui and main + he removes opponent shield and buffs.
Try Danzo instead of darui, he causes immobile in chase which i really like + his mystery is annoying sometimes.
Nine Tails: you can try Mifune, darui, guy; talents: 3-2-1-2-2, summon: tonton.
These lineups are not perfect, you can change as per you need. Hope it helps you.