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[ Lineup ] Put your questions here for {{ Lightning Main }}


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 2
On 2017-03-24 00:00:28Show All Posts
Hi all!
I started this game a few weeks ago, and I'd like to have an idea on which characters should I aim for, to form a good team.
Right now, besides the ninjas which you unlock with the story i've got Sai, Karin, Shizune and Chiyo. Are they any good? Can I build any decent team with them?
I might also be able to unlock Deidara in a week or so, if he is any good.

Also what's the most important thing to look at, when building a team?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 2
On 2017-03-24 01:26:52Show All Posts
  • Blaz On 2017-03-24 00:57:53
  • Hello,

    Sai = good for early stage ranked teams, best for strong approaching.
    Karin = so-so healer for early game + poison.
    Shizune = not so good.
    Chiyo = best at ranked only for early level teams.

    Deidara is good for fire main bombing squad only, (fire main, tobi, deidara, itachi/konan etc.)

    I do lineup building this way:

    Tank (either with a ninja or clones) + Status effect (Ninjas that can cause Acupuncture / immobile / blindness ) + Barrier ninjas < either active (for which we have to manually activate a barrier like sasuke) or passive (like darui, danzo, etc) > + Support (Healers / Shield / Interruption etc.) - I do it this way.

    For basic lightning lineups, you can check my youtube channel, link is below mentioned in my signature. Hope it helps you

Thank you very much!
Could you please give me some examples of good starting/advanced ninja for every typer (es: a list of average to great tanks, healer, etc.).
I also just got regular Sai: how is he? I read on this forum that he may be better than the GNW one...
Quicky Post

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