Adrian Martin
2017-02-02 20:31:19
well like i said interupt him with ao chase before he cast his mastery with initiating combo toward him, but before u cast ur mastery make sure u see the icon that hidan about to use his mastery
sample : ur main open combo toward him/hidan cause knock down then kabuto chase it cause high float then ur main chase it cause knockdown again then ao chase it cause repulse, acupuncture and interuption and then kakuzu chase it cause high float then kakuzu chase again cause low float then ur main chase it again cause knockdown, so basically this combo is work 7 combo now matter where u start it This post was last edited by Adrian Martin at 2017-2-2 04:32
Like I said, I can't do it, because even if I press the mystery like crazy, he goes first and murders everyone before ANYTHING else happens... That's why I can't beat difficult, cause it's so much bs :/ I can't use skill, standard, nothing