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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-01 21:13:40Show All Posts
first... yey!

second.. yey :/
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-01 21:14:04Show All Posts
  • Masamura On 2017-02-01 21:13:23
  • good events this week
Noooo.. you are first!!! man. i thought I had it... :/
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-01 21:20:55Show All Posts
Any chance of letting us know what the reward for lucky board is?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 04:56:21Show All Posts
  • FG3000 On 2017-02-02 02:04:38
  • I might get some hate for this considering most people really enjoy the lucky board event, for good reason, its one of the best events in the game.

    However my issue is that the Lucky Board isnt being updated to match the pace of the game. Go back and look at the early lucky board events and you will notice the board rewards have changed very little and in some spots not at all. That means every single lucky board event we get the value of the board continues to decrease. Even the ninja packs..Diedra or Kimminaro? Really?

    This isnt just the lucky board, most event prices seem out of w* constantly. I hate to be negative but its clear whoever sets the prices of things does NOT play the game and has no idea what the current demand is.

    Several months ago Sage Jiraya was in high at all. So why hasnt he been updated to another ninja on the board? Why do we constantly get Jigo with his price all over the place each time same with Konan...if anything Ninja prices over time should go down not up. Those are just a couple examples

    The list goes on and on. These last few months the only thing I re-charge is my monthly pack because it simply feels that nobody is going through MANUALLY each week and to put REAL thought into pricing. Who thinks the seal scroll rebate was *enticing* in anyway? Dauri is how much? Last goldfish event with GNW Neji? So many examples of pricing making no sense at all....

    Anyway just my thoughts This post was last edited by FG3000 at 2017-2-2 02:05 This post was last edited by FG3000 at 2017-2-2 02:07
This is what I have been trying to point out to OG. But apparently they did not change anything.

Again same old event, why don't you come up with pvp event? Other new events, all the event we are getting are old and most people do not like it anyway.

Rather than going for high price event, try to think of event that can cover most players (meaning, most players will benefit frm it and want to recharge because of it). A good recharge rebate, spending rebate along with lucky board event.. now that is 3 in 1 nice event..
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 08:22:34Show All Posts
  • PervySennin On 2017-02-02 05:07:53
  • How is a recharge rebate, spending rebate, and high value spending event going to be good for their business?

    If you were running this business, would you like for shrewd players to stack up their cash to only spend on those kind of events? If they do it once, people are going to stash their cash and wait for it to happen again.

    There has to be bad events, and there has to be good events. Because if every event is good, then no event is good.

    On occasion there could be excellent events (from player standpoint), but those could be stuff like Xmas or midsummer, what have you.

    It is mighty tiresome to read about complaining every. Single. Event. This event is really on the good side, big time. You got summon and BA rebate and lucky board. F2P gets fishing, which is certainly better than Sakura's Blessing.

    You can't just have increasingly good events all the time. You can't have all the events be good. You have to have patience. And you can't assume that they would 'treat' with amazing events, where getting power costs but a half a cent. That is not good from their standpoint.

    We have to realize that there are 2 parties here. The players and the developers. If you go to a casino, do you complain when you lost money on that roulette table? Because if you do, you're an idiot. It's the exact same thing here.

    Oasis is the casino, that wants to give you a fun time. It wants to give you exciting experiences and to make you come back. But it also wants you to get *ed on gambling and to get your money. AND YOU NEED TO BE OKAY WITH THAT AND UNDERSTAND IT.

    Also this bickering and moaning about rolling out updates earlier, fixing this and that. Coding takes time. And it's not just "copy pasting whatever the chinese wrote". They use the Chinese code, but only to such extent. Fixing bugs in code is pure pain. If you've never done it, or realized how time consuming and soul *ing it is, please do not complain. Go buy a popsicle and wait it out, living your shallow, lay-about life.

    TLDR: Can you please stop complaining for just a moment, for christ sake people and try to look at the situation from Oasis's standpoint?

    PS: This was not personal Phan. You seem to be a stand up guy, for most part. Your post is just the one that triggered me :) This is aimed at all of the people here who selfishly complain about everything.
How is a recharge rebate, spending rebate, high value rebate event will be good for their business?

- More people will recharge more (there is a difference between people will recharge more and more people will recharge more)
- People are satisfied because they get worth for their money(mentally) and complain less.
- Justice to poor events these past 2 months

The thing is, how long should we endure these events with very poor reward for F2P. For me, I do not have any problem in buying these items, not to boast about it, but hey come to s62 to check me out if you think I am bluffing.
But, think about it, when was the last time we had a good event where people did not complain as much as current events?

We had Christmas season, events were pretty bad. We said, hey it is OK, let us wait for new year, they might come up with something nice, but no it was still the same then we were being optimistic by saying it is OK, CN new year is coming and we are sure they will try to make something good for us and again we are insulted with this kind of event. Why insulted? Coz they are making us look * by giving us * and we do not do anything about it.

About visualizing OG as a casino, actually you are an idiot if you see the roulette table is rigged and keep spinning, that is why i always encourage people to play hard, and spend wisely. Look at it this way, eventhough OG claim that 'hey its RNG base', trust me, it is not. I ve made a thread in customer support about this and it was deleted without any message, I can 100% sure that most of the stuff in game from events to feature are not fully RNG but RNG with ceiling condition especially for people who spend where the system identifies these people (system: hey this person spend alot, lets make him spin more).

My advise to whoever is taking down note and reporting to the team who is making the events. Tell the team this. Listen closely, the people are not happy. Think harder in doing events. Do not just recycle the same event and using it over and over again, if you want to use the same event every month, change something! Make it interesting! You have a full time job 8AM-5PM play the game! experience it! look around, go to CN, go to Brazil, go to Germany, go to Taiwan, see how they are making their event? What is the satisfactory rate of their server compare to us. The main reason why they do not want the players to compare EN version to CN or other version is because they know they are below par. Swallow it, take it like man(or a woman) and do your best to improve, because if you do not improve and keep giving us the same stuff, trust me, people will get tired of the same thing over and over again. Be professional and do your job!

I am well updated with videos from CN, watching most videos from Scion, fu Kenson, Kaizer, and other youtube Naruto online celebrities. How come they can come up with something nice? Something to look forward and play next thing in the morning?

And also, this post will most likely get deleted and I will get ban, but hey, atleast I give my opinion and whether OG has the * to take it, it is up to them. Ban me? Thats OK, you just lost one good paying customer and a concern player who is just waiting for another game anyway because you can't take a constructive criticism.

No worries. I do not take any comment in the forum personally. We are all free to give our opinion. Except OG of coz cant take a constructive criticism at times and delete them and ban the players.

Cheers to all.
Quicky Post

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