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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 91
On 2017-02-03 16:40:49Show All Posts
Finally the BA rebate is here :victory:

That L7 beauty in the end it took 768 (96/100).
Going by another player's comment on their friends L7 armor, it only took 520-530 ish threads (65/100), so I guess I wasn't blessed by the RNG gods

Gl to the rest of you who waited 2 months for this rebate
& to comment on dice. At a certain point the cost:power ratio diminishes (when you're going for l6 maga set or higher).
I grabbed 1400 pts just for the 200 med refines and that netted me barely 2 L6 magas which was a rough 30 power boost from the L5's.
Still a great (if not the best) event but I think there is a capping point in terms of chasing power with magas.
This post was last edited by 709***@facebook at 2017-2-3 16:43
Quicky Post

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