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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 03:38:21Show All Posts
  • FG3000 On 2017-02-02 02:04:38
  • I might get some hate for this considering most people really enjoy the lucky board event, for good reason, its one of the best events in the game.

    However my issue is that the Lucky Board isnt being updated to match the pace of the game. Go back and look at the early lucky board events and you will notice the board rewards have changed very little and in some spots not at all. That means every single lucky board event we get the value of the board continues to decrease. Even the ninja packs..Diedra or Kimminaro? Really?

    This isnt just the lucky board, most event prices seem out of w* constantly. I hate to be negative but its clear whoever sets the prices of things does NOT play the game and has no idea what the current demand is.

    Several months ago Sage Jiraya was in high at all. So why hasnt he been updated to another ninja on the board? Why do we constantly get Jigo with his price all over the place each time same with Konan...if anything Ninja prices over time should go down not up. Those are just a couple examples

    The list goes on and on. These last few months the only thing I re-charge is my monthly pack because it simply feels that nobody is going through MANUALLY each week and to put REAL thought into pricing. Who thinks the seal scroll rebate was *enticing* in anyway? Dauri is how much? Last goldfish event with GNW Neji? So many examples of pricing making no sense at all....

    Anyway just my thoughts This post was last edited by FG3000 at 2017-2-2 02:05 This post was last edited by FG3000 at 2017-2-2 02:07
Agree 100%
Quicky Post

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