2017-02-04 00:43:29
just because u play the game and try hard doesnt mean u should complain about it, if you arent supporting the game then you shouldnt complain since ur just mooching off the people who pay.
and how do u even define doing things right? right for who? the company who lets us play the game and without which we would not have a game to play and complain about? the paying players who support the game and give it the money needed to stay alive? the free to play who make up the majority of the population of players?
whats right differs for each group.
and do you seriously think any1 related to oasis looks at these forums besides the mods? they give the mods stuff so they dont need to care about the forums at all.
Okay, even if this out of the topic. Let me correct you and maybe explain who and what are moderators.
Moderators are normal players, just like you. They should and they are doing their jobs correctly. If not, we c*ways find someone who will replace them. We want our moderators to be someone who is willing to help us and our players. I'm sure there are players who think moderators are just laughing at you and not doing anything for you. But that is not true. They are helping us to collect feedback, your opinions, suggestions and many more things. Just because you can't see what are they doing doesn't mean they are not doing anything.
I can tell you that I'm in charge of moderators and I'm making sure they are doing what they should. *, I'm sure as hell they will agree with me that sometimes I am too strict to them. That is why I keep saying you can contact me anytime if you feel you were warned or you've received punishment from moderator without proper reason or explanation.
I'm sorry but I can't agree with you.