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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
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On 2017-02-02 16:49:08Show All Posts
Lets get honest... There is a plan... and Oasis will follow this plan since they did on opening at japanese server.... You can ask for changes(you always can) but there will happen nothing, only if you decide to play japanese version and go for some ideas at this version you stay a chance... otherwise they will work like the plan says and nothing else will happen... do you remember the long downtime as they updated to 2.0? this downtime was also like this on german servers but they still announce it with 4 hours downtime... its like this always but still the announces stays the same, also if they know its not like that... so live with it or delete your chars there will never be balance changes which can be influenced by yourself or a big part of the community.
Quicky Post

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