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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 03:56:06Show All Posts
I want to state i did the lucky board for hidan, so i used it alot that month. Before that week I was level 20. Even after only playing a month I got to agree that the rewards for the board itself are pretty bad now sadly :( Not all of them mind you, but the events..really each week have been fine. Its just the pricing has been pretty off in regards to the rewards/items you can spend on.

I still think overall its fine, they have to please new and old people. But I dont need another gnw neji box :o
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 10:22:13Show All Posts
I feel like this post is now just turning into bash oasis every week.

Are the events the best? no? Maybe think about everyone, I have hidan to, does that mean noone else should ever get him? just stop please. (Not specifically directed at the post above mine, wrote all this out before i saw that post) The rewards for lucky board are good, the event itself is fine.
Goldfish is clearly directed at f2p, guy is a bit harsh when hes free at level 40?or 50? either way its early but there are other items for f2p such as low level refines.

Overall everyone complaining because its not what "they" want, personally. Overall its a fair week of events again. Sasori 100puppets might be bad to us, but hes still a super rare ninja as well. Just because alot of forum players min/max doesn't mean 80% of people do.

Is it the best week ever for server 1 players? probably not. But not everything is for everyone. Goldfish literally gives me nothing, but thats because i went big p2w style. Just like Hidan on Lucky board is for people who..guess what couldnt afford 300$ on last months event, maybe they got fragments.

Do people stop and think, what if you bought 20-40hidan fragments..yet hes not on an event again? what about them? lol too bad? NO!!! cmon now.

The arena/matsuri bugs are definitly a huge problem atm, im also very annoyed by them, but how in the world is complaining about free events that actually give out alot too each type of player(depending which event) is a useful idea? please stop..i beg you. contribute correctly.

There is alot of people here who have complained and in a manner that might help change even slightly. just being grr mad i want free ninja that i dont have grrr, isnt helping anything. Its making it worse. This post was last edited by Khannonx at 2017-2-2 10:25
Quicky Post

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