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[ Events ] Events - 2nd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 04:01:34Show All Posts
Yay, Lucky board! I don't understand the entitlement/negativity from so many people during a good event cycle. Have some understanding for the devs, they roll out huge new features every other week, with relatively few bugs given the size and speed at which these are coming out. It's the customer service which needs improvement, but if they're constantly bombarded with a stream of unfocused negativity I can't really blame them either!

If you're going to complain, have a point, and a suggestion - you won't get anywhere whining that you feel bad.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 09:37:05Show All Posts
  • Reiko-Danna On 2017-02-02 08:38:51
  • Come on guys let's be serious. They had one month to solve the problem. They knew from the start that arena cross server wasn't working and obviously that the arena rewards would not work too. Stop trying to make people look *. A lot of the promisses of game implementations and listening to us community that they made and continue to make have no validation whatsoever. Thruthfully speaking, im just playing this game because of the friends that i made, because if not for that, i sincerelly say that this game cares not for his community and just drives away the players. Keep opening every single day new servers and ignore the real problems that exist for weeks.
    starts on page 3 of searches for arena and all you can see is complains.
    This post was last edited by Reiko-Danna at 2017-2-2 08:47 This post was last edited by Reiko-Danna at 2017-2-2 08:48
I think this might be a bit harsh? The month they had was pretty much all holiday, where they probably didn't have many devs on board. Even then, with the sheer amount of new features and bugs being pumped out/tested - it's unlikely that this was a top priority (Mission box/Matsuri challenge issues over the same time period).

As for the hype around the packs themselves, I would suggest keeping your expectations low, a "strong ninja" might be Konan coming back for the 15th million time this 1 month old year. All of this arguing over a free thing that will show up eventually seems like getting your hopes up :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-02 15:44:50Show All Posts
  • Zaik On 2017-02-02 13:29:50
  • 4. The Event "Goldfish Fishing" is up again and keeps improving! Take some time, relax and go fishing for new fish that might be exchanged for ninjas' fragments and other rewards!
    This is absolutely hilarious! Thx for the laugh OAS ;P
I lol'd when I saw the rewards for the fishing event, then again you posted this.

It's the event that keeps on giving!
Quicky Post

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