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[ Lineup ] MB or AF


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 12:46:20Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I don't want to waste potentially two days switching mains back and forth to try lineups, so I wanted to ask here. Which team do you think is better overall. Both teams are fully leveled, cultivated and awakened at lv 80. Root team was pretty good at taking out a single person, where as the nuke team hits everyone hard and has some control of the field.

MB root team
MB, Darui, Mifune, Bee
Talents 1,3,?,1,3 ???

AF nuke team
AF, Mabui, Ao, GNW Tenten

Talents 3,3,2,1,2 Lightning King Tiger
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On 2017-01-31 15:06:56Show this Author Only
You're comparing two very different teams.
The MB is more attack based, and the AF team has control.
It depends on the playstyle that you prefer.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 15:15:14Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2017-01-31 15:06:56
  • You're comparing two very different teams.
    The MB is more attack based, and the AF team has control.
    It depends on the playstyle that you prefer.
what the meaning of MB and AF ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 15:16:06Show this Author Only
  • MM®Yusuke On 2017-01-31 15:15:14
  • what the meaning of MB and AF ?
Midnight Blade
Azure Fang
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 15:40:28Show this Author Only
If you have the power to back it up, AF.
Nuke and control through paralyze turn 1, acupuncture if you have less initiative on your move 1.
Control their threat during round 2.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 15:40:40Show this Author Only
Iv used a very similar water setup, azure fang is my bai. I was using Sailor Sakura instead of Mabui in my lineup. I would generally get the extra chakra turn 1 after Ao clones were popped and fire off GNW 1010`s bomb.

+ Chaos
+ Acupuncture
+ Paralyze
+ Heal
+ Hard Hitting AoE

- Squishy
- Can be counter controlled
- Big Nuke is a Big Target
- Missing vital CC`s can often spell defeat

The team overall preformed well when i used it, but is susceptible to single target nukes and counter control, such as genjutsu mirror, root, cleanses. If the team cannot keep up its control is is at a disadvantage. Nobody is particularly tanky and 1010 is typically target right away, which will dramatically effect your DPS. Be that as it may, its a ton of fun and with practice can be used to control the flow of combat quite well in most cases once you know who to aim for on enemy teams.

Im currently running a root team, and its extremly effective. Im using a different lineup from you though, so I cant speak from personal experiance on your lineup. I will say that my root team has proven to be very effective and has a little pit of everything. So lets break down what yours has.

+ AoE
+ Paralyze
+ Buff Cleanse
+ Off Tank (Bee)
+ Bonus Action
+ Barrier Buff

- Can be CC`d after round 2
- Barrier can be countered by non auto barriers and auto barriers with higher init
- Squishy
- Unreliable Heal

Root teams tend to reliant on the blitz, taking out soft or key targets in the first 2 rounds, after which they can be CC`d, and without a way to get rid of it is a killer. Dealing with tanks and healers can be problamatic if the damage is just not their so you will want as many buffs as possible. I think B is the weak link and would be better of being replaced with someone like Iruka, Guy, or WB Asuma who will further ramp your damage and increase your blitz kill potentail to muscle past any heavy targets in your way with autos and bomb down targets with mystery started combos.

Ultimatly, both can be good teams it would just depend what fits your playstyle.
Hopefully this helps in your selection, best of luck.
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On 2017-01-31 18:55:44Show this Author Only
I'm currently using a version of your AF team, which i particularly like.
Talents are Super Shark Bomb, Healing Standard, Chakra blade, Neurotoxin, Poison Tai, Tiger King (will switch to gold version once I have it).

It's still nuke-ish and the combo is broken, but you get a lot more control and sustain. Turn two, both Mabui and AF can start combo for a Chaos and Acupuncture two distinct targets, plus possibly one from turn one Ao.
Naturally, Root teams will be your hardest opponent, in which case buckle up for two turns and hope that the shields and the heals will be enough.
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On 2017-01-31 21:41:18Show this Author Only

thats my deadly team enjoy!!!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-01 01:34:39Show this Author Only
Yeah I liked bee since he was an off tank that gave an extra attack, but you're right he's not the best fit for that team, guess i'll wait for asuma to show up in another event and see if I can't save the coupons for him.

I wish I had mei for my water team double nukes would be nice.
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