I highly doubt Guy and Kimi can do better than Sage and Sailor... I will try, but it's a waste to use those characters when I have so many actually good ones :/
:( you have great charas but they don't go together, right?
Sailor and Kimi combo (thanks overmain!) is pretty good too but really just try to keep pulling, i sure hope we're not spamming the thread hahaha
If you want to play wind, Try Sage Naru, Onoki, Wind main and Temari 5 Kage Conf?
Also, how many seal scrolls do you get a month, estimatedly? If you can get 60 within Feb I suggest you pull for 1 more kage and stop
Estimatedly... It's hard to tell really, I used up around 380 scrolls total on all treasures, with my server starting out on 12th of October, so about 4 months... I think it would be between 60-90 monthly, but I could be terribly mistaken. I already started going for a Kage rare, am 20 scrolls in, but I have a feeling I will just pull a dupe :/ My luck is not too high when it comes to treasure pulls
I tried this team already btw :x This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-1-31 23:26
:( you have great charas but they don't go together, right?
Sailor and Kimi combo (thanks overmain!) is pretty good too but really just try to keep pulling, i sure hope we're not spamming the thread hahaha
My cancer team uses that combo, with Kabuto and any main in it on top of kimi sailor, but I don't want a stalling team, it gets me bad scores at Sage battlefields ;/ Ideal PvP team would be up to 4-5 rounds, a tanky offensive one
Spamming the thread is appreciated, more ideas to check out :D
Estimatedly... It's hard to tell really, I used up around 380 scrolls total on all treasures, with my server starting out on 12th of October, so about 4 months... I think it would be between 60-90 monthly, but I could be terribly mistaken. I already started going for a Kage rare, am 20 scrolls in, but I have a feeling I will just pull a dupe :/ My luck is not too high when it comes to treasure pulls
I tried this team already btw :x This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-1-31 23:26
I felt the same way when I pulled initially, but I think I'm alright with the result now. (Although my Sage pulls have been awful, orochi then ao???)
Go for your last Kage then stop, maybe Jinchuriki will be better for you! The best you can get right now is Mei/Danzo/Mifune/Bee! I don't think anyone has pulled a dupe yet in Kage for the rare nins, so all the best and I wish you luck!
My cancer team uses that combo, with Kabuto and any main in it on top of kimi sailor, but I don't want a stalling team, it gets me bad scores at Sage battlefields ;/ Ideal PvP team would be up to 4-5 rounds, a tanky offensive one
Spamming the thread is appreciated, more ideas to check out :D
The spam is caused by me not waiting for the second part to appear before replying :D
A stalling team is really bad yikes, another suggestion is water main, chojuro, ao, gnw tenten or water main, chojuro, ao, kimimaro
I think you have all those nin so you can run it for a bit to try (you have to change mains so many times to test these i'm sorry ^^'')
The spam is caused by me not waiting for the second part to appear before replying :D
A stalling team is really bad yikes, another suggestion is water main, chojuro, ao, gnw tenten or water main, chojuro, ao, kimimaro
I think you have all those nin so you can run it for a bit to try (you have to change mains so many times to test these i'm sorry ^^'')
I'm changing mains all the time, for about a week now ;_; All turn out to be worthless, and I feel the same about lightning now too :/ Mifune would actually be bad for me to pull, as I definitely want to leave lightning asap, and never come back. My sage pulls were first Ao, then Sage, now I don't care about Orochi. But Shurado from Tendo? It's 2nd worst pain from my experience. Kisame from Seal? Nothing since then :/ Chojuro and Onoki are probably the worst rares I could've gotten out of all that are available.
I already tried using Ao and Chojuro, but I have no clue how to make them not die. Chojuro takes 2 standards and lies down dead :/ I'm through with Water main too, with about 40 teams tested already.
Sorry to complain so much, but it's frustrating to be unable to get a solid working team against my server's players, for over a week now ;_;
I'm changing mains all the time, for about a week now ;_; All turn out to be worthless, and I feel the same about lightning now too :/ Mifune would actually be bad for me to pull, as I definitely want to leave lightning asap, and never come back. My sage pulls were first Ao, then Sage, now I don't care about Orochi. But Shurado from Tendo? It's 2nd worst pain from my experience. Kisame from Seal? Nothing since then :/ Chojuro and Onoki are probably the worst rares I could've gotten out of all that are available.
I already tried using Ao and Chojuro, but I have no clue how to make them not die. Chojuro takes 2 standards and lies down dead :/ I'm through with Water main too, with about 40 teams tested already.
Sorry to complain so much, but it's frustrating to be unable to get a solid working team against my server's players, for over a week now ;_;
then the problem is: you are to weak compared to your server
For now I put up team 7, with Sasuke, Sailor and Sage Naruto, what main would this team work best with?
Lightning, probably as he can take advantage of Sasuke's barrier. There are worse teams to use.
The trouble is that you're missing a lot of meta ninjas (Mei, Danzo, Konan, Darui) that are kind of lynchpins for meta teams. If you're looking for a team that can kill quickly with what you have, I would suggest (in addition to the team you mentioned in your last post):
Earth - AWB - Iruka - Eight Gates Lee: Earth blitz team is very strong, but requires max hp to maximize effectivness
Water - Chojuro - Mabui - GNW Tenten: Bootleg version of the turn 1 Tenten team
Fire - Onoki - Shurado - Sage Jiraiya: Kill them with fire
Lightning, probably as he can take advantage of Sasuke's barrier. There are worse teams to use.
The trouble is that you're missing a lot of meta ninjas (Mei, Danzo, Konan, Darui) that are kind of lynchpins for meta teams. If you're looking for a team that can kill quickly with what you have, I would suggest (in addition to the team you mentioned in your last post):
Earth - AWB - Iruka - Eight Gates Lee: Earth blitz team is very strong, but requires max hp to maximize effectivness
Water - Chojuro - Mabui - GNW Tenten: Bootleg version of the turn 1 Tenten team
Fire - Onoki - Shurado - Sage Jiraiya: Kill them with fire
The thing is, that I am not looking for blitz teams, I am looking for balance teams. A bit of tankiness, fair amount of damage, some heals if possible. I really don't like blitz teams because they are shutdown extremally fast, and I am not too good on the initiative side (all the people I can't beat are above me in initiative)
That said, thanks for the suggestions, I will give them a look :)
I'm changing mains all the time, for about a week now ;_; All turn out to be worthless, and I feel the same about lightning now too :/ Mifune would actually be bad for me to pull, as I definitely want to leave lightning asap, and never come back. My sage pulls were first Ao, then Sage, now I don't care about Orochi. But Shurado from Tendo? It's 2nd worst pain from my experience. Kisame from Seal? Nothing since then :/ Chojuro and Onoki are probably the worst rares I could've gotten out of all that are available.
I already tried using Ao and Chojuro, but I have no clue how to make them not die. Chojuro takes 2 standards and lies down dead :/ I'm through with Water main too, with about 40 teams tested already.
Sorry to complain so much, but it's frustrating to be unable to get a solid working team against my server's players, for over a week now ;_;
I heard that the best pains to pull are Jigokudo, Ningendo and Shurado so I think you got lucky there
How are your refines, equip strengthen? Can you take a pic of your 'Power Up'?
And if all top 6 are lightning meta, as much as you don't think it you won't be able to win if you don't go to lightning, trust me. I tried to be stubborn and it doesn't work.
I heard that the best pains to pull are Jigokudo, Ningendo and Shurado so I think you got lucky there
How are your refines, equip strengthen? Can you take a pic of your 'Power Up'?
And if all top 6 are lightning meta, as much as you don't think it you won't be able to win if you don't go to lightning, trust me. I tried to be stubborn and it doesn't work.
I can't get to my PC right now, so I can just get you refine and strenghtening from memory XD I got all rquipment on refinement level 5, except the 4 x lvl 6, and 1 x lvl 8, and strenghtening is 12 x 80, rest at 70.
I will post pictures once I get access to my PC :) Only 2 people I have trouble with are lightning, the others are wind and water :p
The thing is, that I am not looking for blitz teams, I am looking for balance teams. A bit of tankiness, fair amount of damage, some heals if possible. I really don't like blitz teams because they are shutdown extremally fast, and I am not too good on the initiative side (all the people I can't beat are above me in initiative)
That said, thanks for the suggestions, I will give them a look :)
Earth - Sailor Sakura - Sage Naruto - GNW Tenten is always an option too for something a little more balanced. Regardless of your initiative, it's nearly impossible to run a balanced team, you either need to go full damage or full debuff/heal, as tanking is extraordinarily hard to do in this meta (without getting blasted).
If you want to run a balanced team, you'll need different ninjas as you do not have enough/the right buffing ninjas to create an optimal lineup. At the end of the day though, most half-decent lineups you can run have been mentioned. At this point, take one of the suggestions or go pull new ninjas.
This post was last edited by S95Leumas at 2017-2-1 13:06
Earth - Sailor Sakura - Sage Naruto - GNW Tenten is always an option too for something a little more balanced. Regardless of your initiative, it's nearly impossible to run a balanced team, you either need to go full damage or full debuff/heal, as tanking is extraordinarily hard to do in this meta (without getting blasted).
If you want to run a balanced team, you'll need different ninjas as you do not have enough/the right buffing ninjas to create an optimal lineup. At the end of the day though, most half-decent lineups you can run have been mentioned. At this point, take one of the suggestions or go pull new ninjas.
This post was last edited by S95Leumas at 2017-2-1 13:06
What ninjas would you say are needed for a balanced lineup? If balance is impossible with my ninjas, what playstyle is the easiest to build with them? Also, thanks for the team idea, I will check it out, but I'm not sure if I can go with it without lght Tiger King summon, which I currently don't have. Anyways, thabks again xD Also you mention "half decent", what lineup would you say to be "full decent"? :p This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-2-1 13:18