Struggling with your 4v4 composition? We'll the Comp master is here to help!
The best way to try out new setups is obviously Arena. Everything is even and you can see each setup at its maximum potential. rule of thumb is if you can dominate Arena with it, it'll probably work outside of it as well.
My philosophy for composition building is as much DPS as possible while maintaining some sort damage mitigation. I almost never run actual tank characters in my compositions ( By tanks I mean the real * tanks like Gaara, Emma, Choji, and that fat sound ninja guy who don't really chase or do any damage at all and mostly just tank ) unless you count neji and hinata as tanks which I don't really since hinata really isn't a tank without her skill up and Neji is more an offensive tank. Some of you think wow, this game is pay to win all these guys have these insane ninja and I'll never beat them! Well this isn't true any ninja in the game can be good ( except Guy screw Guy ) if you give them the right support. For example I maintained Rank 1 on my server for about a week using things like Ten/Ten and Anko. The first thing you have to do is NEVER EVER EVER EVER run those * mass clone kabuto spam teams ever again. I will literally kick people from my group who use that * crap. You are asking to never win anything, kabuto does no damage himself and his heals are mediocre at best. His clones are basically a free waste of chakra as most teams will have some sort of AOE that will kill them instantly ( especially Fires ). Turtle compositions can work but not using kabuto lol.
a Good begginner team to use is actually just straight up team 7. I think people neglect them because they find other cool things they want to try but this becomes especially true in the later game when they get powered up but they are probably the most consitent team you can run and still do work with. You're not gonna beat anyone running something more specialized but you will beat people who just mash together random things that don't actually work. Team 7 is actually really good to run as one of your teams in ranked pvp if you have nothing else to fill in there ( 3 star across the board is mandatory ) since you can pair them up with Iruka and 3 star Narutos clones will just never die.
for those looking to create something a little more specialized the key is your main character. Examine what your passives do and what you can trigger for Chase skills and work from there. While long drawn out combos are cool to watch and give your opponent that "oh *" moment unless it actually does damage it's pointless ( looking at you Chiyo ). Figure out which ninja can give you the most damage or utility out of their Chase abilities ( like kakashi who will ignite and paralyze people ) because it will make your combo more efficient. Ninja like Sasuke and Kakashi are good "filler" ninja who can combo with most people since they have multiple Chase abilities with multiple conditions. Kakashi is also good as a "Pick" ninja because of his ability to target anyone with his Skill which will allow you to take out annoying ninja on the enemy team who might give you a hard time and usually crushing your opponents chances to win since lot of people seem to rely on 1 ninja to start everything for them. Orochimaru is also a nice choice for a "pick ninja" if you prefer not to run kakashi. Ninja that can Sheild or revive are useful because they can be your frontliners and give you tankiness while also giving you high DPS. Iruka, Neji, Orochimaru, Tobi are all decent front liners in my opinion because of these factors. Hinata is also a good front liner and if you can set your team up to trigger her chase abilities gives you a good skill lockdown with her accupuncturer however Neji counters her hard and without her skill up she's not very tanky at all.
Don't neglect interrupts or skills that prevent enemy from using their own. I feel lot of people neglect these and just get wrecked because of it. This is why my preference to run Neji over hinata in all situations comes into play because of his ability to instantly shut down anyone on the field with accupuncture and ruin your opponents day and hopes of getting off his super elite combo hes been working on. This is why Kakashi is so prevelant in most teams because of his ability to paralyze which really ruins peoples day. This is why it's also important to run some way to cancel these debuffs!!!! don't neglect this either! Lightnings will mass paralyze your team which will render you useless unless you have a way to cancel the debuff. Don't neglect utility skills to just make that super elite combo that will instant kill your opponent because all it takes is one character being shut down to ruin your entire plan and make you lose.
I'm sure some of you were expecting me to just tell you what to use but I'm not going to. You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime. This simple saying has always been my motto since I was young and I'd rather teach people how to think on a different level about things like this and reveal my thought process rather than just tell you... this comp is good use this etc etc...
This is my general thought process when I test and create new team setups... Can I pick individual ninja on enemy team with this? Can I survive round 1? Can I survive round 2? if I lose this ninja will the entire combo fall apart? How can I put my summon in here to extend or create this combo easier? Do I have a way to counter mass paralysis or ignite or sleep? Do I even do enough DPS to counter turtle teams? Is everybody able to start the combo and trigger chase from each other?
These are the questions I ask myself and I use Arena to test them ( or unfortunate group members ). If there is anything good about this game its the way the battle system is setup and how many different team combinations you can make. You should spend majority of your time thinking about these things and forming the best team composition you can with what ninja you have. Don't neglect utlity abilities and buffs. Ninja who buff your team might be more useful than you think ( wink wink ).
For those who think you have to pay to get all the akatsuki or something to be good I'll just tell you that my current team is full Free 2 play and no one on the server has yet to beat it even when they have access to all the Pain/akatsuki and things like that.
This post was last edited by chr*** at 2016-8-8 20:24