2017-01-31 09:50:11
Im sorry but I don't think this team is PVP good. You have 2 supports Danzo and Tobi, 1 interrupter Ao and main who is between being a support and attacker ( plus, using his nerfed as hell 2nd mystery and after you use it you're done with doing real damage ). Theoretically this team sounds interesting, but... any light team with immune will easily kill you, anyone with faster 2nd row will easily kill you, anyone with 2 2nd round attackers will just wait for you to spend your attacks on one ninja then use the other and kill you, anyone who breaks to your main in 1st round will kill you etc.
danzo is great in all scenarios tbh.
Imo biggest benefitter of danzo -> Lightning main with blood thing talent. lets say its someone out with puppets each of them are gonne turn into chakra when killed in 1 hit, lets say the person your facing has a nuke team and you "know" whos the target - mystery that ninja. Combo with danzo and you immobile people. Im more pro danzo for lightning main then fire.
Ye iv seen people pulling danzo as f2p players, but they are not f2p as in not using a currency which exists. The y do use the seal scrolls and have the RNG on their side. I have as i remember 2 members that has gotten sage naruto from free pulls.