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[ Suggestions ] Suggestion for Matsuri Challenge.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-28 10:51:45Show All Posts
  • Tobei On 2017-01-28 09:59:49
  • First matches are generally matching people with the nearest BP/Level (It wont be perfect)

    However, winning a single match inflates the matchmaking, making players face people who are stronger.

    Just imagine players with 70K+ power, they'll always break the matchmaking system due to who they are.

    I'll toss an idea to the team about improving matchmaking and see where it goes from there.
Not for my server (S286 - Blasting Combo).

First off, this "cross-server Matsuri" doesn't even apply for my server because all anyone in my server ever faces off against are each other.

Secondly, I still fight people 20k+ below me even though there are ppl who are closer to me in BP, like 9k away from me.
Quicky Post

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