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[ Bugs ] [Event] Mission Gift Boxes


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On 2017-01-27 01:07:58Show All Posts
Server 76

UID: 200000086827592

Date: 26/01/17
Time 11-12 am

I had a total of 404 boxes.
I batch opened all at once.
I received 0 points, only the prizes rewards (like magatama ecc)

After the opening i was left with 73 boxes. I guess it stopped because it gave me an error message while he tried to open.

So i lost 404-73 = 331 Boxes' Points ---> This means i lost 331*10 = 3310 Points.

EDITING: I'LL TAKE AS REDEEM -> (63 Hanzo Fragments x 50 points = 3150 points) + (20 Cave Keys x 6 points = 120 points) + (4Dango x 10 = 40 points) --> TOTAL OF 3310 POINTS

I've got the 20 points in the screen with 4 event missions (*5 points). Zero points came from the boxes.

I had over 30000 ingots before buying 400 boxes, i'm left with 22000+
This post was last edited by ale*** at 2017-1-27 01:11 This post was last edited by ale*** at 2017-1-27 01:13 This post was last edited by lcarus at 2017-1-31 05:03
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On 2017-01-27 18:06:56Show All Posts
Any news about the time it will require to get the points back?
Cause i'm not sure if I want to buy more mission box before the event ends so i'm kinda Stuck... this bug is blocking the whole event...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-27 20:41:53Show All Posts
Did they start giving points back? Did anyone got em? Did someone got an answer? Can we stop being ignored? Will they give the points back before the event ends? or will the refound be as ingots spent for the boxes? 8000 ingots are not a low amount...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-30 22:05:51Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-30 11:20:47
  • Dear ninja, we will send the reward you want to redeem to you after checking, which will take a little long and sorry for the inconvience.
    For now, you can go on buying boxes and get points, won't meet the bug anymore and don't worry for redeeming the frags.
"For now, you can go on buying boxes and get points, won't meet the bug anymore and don't worry for redeeming the frags"

The fact is:
-80 fragments are enought for me to get hanzo.
-considering how many ingots i've spent i may considering trying to get the 4 Hokage, investing in anything else if not getting hanzo.
-not being sure if the compensation are fragments, it is useless to buy more, because i don't want to end up with 180 fragments. 3 star ninja is enought for me.
-I would buy back myself the fragments if i was sure that the compensation are my ingots back.

I'm not sure to have been clear since my english is poor. The fact is that i would do my math considering whether to invest more or saving ingots depending on the nature of the compensation. But i need to know this before the event ends. This post was last edited by lcarus at 2017-1-30 22:07
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-30 23:53:12Show All Posts
Would be enought for me to know:

- you get 80 fragments back
(useless since in this while they made me buy more fragments, so i would end up with more than 80 fragments, but at least i would know i should stop buying them with free gift)
- you get 8000 ingots back
I would buy probably hanzo using other ingots... less fragments obviously, and maybe investing in something else, like the draw event considering to go for the 4th hokage.

I'm not asking to get it today, even if would be nice, but at least know how it will endup to be able to use properly my resources since i dont think you will make the events last longer just for me. This post was last edited by lcarus at 2017-1-30 23:54
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 00:00:11Show All Posts
And honestly, getting back only what I spent with all the inconvenience that has been caused is minimal, it should be done more
Quicky Post

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