2017-01-26 17:42:40
As for the order not to participate in Sage World... well no one was happy with the results from the last Sage World we had. Our Strongest Power farmed weak players early for crazy points, killing many on the first turn and racking up a crazy +20 win streak.
That combined with group politics (his people don't attack people from their own group) left only members of his group to take top slots on every team, thus one group monopolizing all of the advanced rune prizes even on the non-winning teams.
With Sage World that stacked and with that much collusion with players playing not for their battlefield team, but for their groups outside of the event... it was a surprisingly easy order to follow.
Regarding Sage, it is what it is...i have a guy with 61k power atm, that just goes on sage, and farms people, literally farms people, he's the strongest in power, and just runs by people who have wins hover their characters, he got 20k points from them, making it to 20 wins in a row, yeah it *s, but at this point i could care less, i just play this game for fun at this point, since the merge.
Regarding SS convoys, i stop doing them, no point in giving 50 free coupons to a stronger player than me, so i rather they take from someone else, than me, im not giving anything to them, i'll leave them starving instead, nor i plunder, i refuse to plunder(yes i know im losing 150 chance at a coupons) due to be stronger players than me, and even if i was top power in my server i wouldnt plunder, nor do SS convoys, this model has a lot of flaws, for example:
-u can plunder 3x but what's the risk you being a 85 encountering someone stronger than you(unless ur top power),
-Casuals can only do 1 SS convoy(10 ingots paywall), and u have to be under the top 3 players protection on your server to get 30 coupons (vs 50 coupons).
-If by some means u go for that SS missions, you have a high chance of being plundered by someone sitting at top 3 or top 5 power in server, and guess what, u just handed him 50 coupons, and he gave u 15 coupons.
I dont think this system is fair, especially on servers where u have heavy * players that spend on a weekly basis, monthly basis, whatever, and want to have a huge power increase(up to them really, none of my business), which it's one of the reasons i choose not to s* feed them anymore coupons, cuz hey it's my choice, if you chose to do a SS convoy and u dont have the protection of the strongest players on your server, chances are you giving out 50 coupons and keeping 15 coupons(call that fair). But it's whatever, i rather just be patient, cuz this game is going to be stale(regarding power) at some point, so casuals are going to catch up, just have patience people, you'll start making * people work for their wins.
This post was last edited by Xkorpitron at 2017-2-1 02:12