2017-01-25 23:40:42
Dear w/e ,
so can you calculate how much to spend to get her now in wheel instead of shop ?
I got her with 0 money spent because I collected her fragment from time to time in events, is that count? She is not that strong, get over it.
None ask you to pay your coupon/ingot to get her. The only thing that worth spend cp in this game is either power house ninja or pure power and believe me she is not a power house ninja.
So if you are planning to spend coupon on a outdated ninja, I think you're doing wrong. Even if I start again in new server, I won't bother with her.
In this week event, the only reason to spin is for Ino bikini version, not Konan.
I still don't get your logic, why make a fuss about her while you can just ignore her and move on?