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[ Events ] Events - 26th Jan


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On 2017-01-27 06:16:47Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-27 06:14:30
  • Can I give one thing? Can you please make missions boxes have a batch open feature. I feel that have to manually click them open is kinda of annoying if you are going to buy a lot of them when other things have batch use such as stamina pots, magatama boxes and group boxes.
There is a bbatch open feature, it was prolly disabled today due to a bug
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On 2017-01-27 06:33:15Show this Author Only
  • Allenek On 2017-01-27 06:12:26
  • They don't care, as long as they get money , its just the mod job to "ensure" you that they recieved your feedback ;)
Often times, mods don't know anymore than we do, not really, and are told that we are(and they are) being listen to when... well... So it's possible that mods are being honest.

There are exceptions, of course, but don't over estimate what mods' abilities, especially if they are not physical employee of the company but player-recruits.
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On 2017-01-27 07:10:43Show this Author Only
Anyone got minato yet? :P
Happy CNY! (its after midnight here)
Please give us a li'l surpise, soften up ppl a little bit, show us that you care.
Really, i try to stay positive, but its getting harder and harder.
If you can give us lucky board next week with recharge rebate, spending rebate and a BA rebate aswell, you would make most of us happy.
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On 2017-01-27 07:37:09Show this Author Only
  • gregnaar On 2017-01-27 07:10:43
  • Anyone got minato yet? :P
    Happy CNY! (its after midnight here)
    Please give us a li'l surpise, soften up ppl a little bit, show us that you care.
    Really, i try to stay positive, but its getting harder and harder.
    If you can give us lucky board next week with recharge rebate, spending rebate and a BA rebate aswell, you would make most of us happy.
I highly doubt there'll be anything, as the mods always like to say "we have our own (greedy) schedule and our own (artifically stretched) timeline.
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On 2017-01-27 08:05:56Show this Author Only
Ya, im pretty well done recharging except to refill monthly pack and try your luck spins. Unless worth while events with GOOD discounts come out ;P

Sakura Festival - Eh, its free so whatever I guess. I think they could have doubled the amount of coupons, seal frags and coins you get from it though. Seems pretty stingy.

Land of Lightning - I like the option of being able to outright buy a ninja, but its not really at a discount. I dont like not having the option to purchase single frags and slowly work on getting the ninja either. For people who are frugal with coupons and ingots, its a nice option to be able ot grab 20 frags here and their and get the ninja overtime.

Wheel of Fortune - Mostly crap, as it always is, and once more Konan is being milked. Sure, we got Swim Suit Ino in it this time, but its still pretty insulting to have cultivation runes, a single seal frag and coins in it, especialy considering you are most likely to land on those, and for 20 ingots each its hardly "fortunte". You are better off not wasting any currecny on this.

Mission Mobilization - This is not terrible. I noticed Hashirama is not in the pack anymore and im not keen on that, but being able to get 20 or so frags for decent ninjas, possible finishing them off or otherwise making progres towards them is nice. I would say this is one of the better events, and the only truly good one this cycle. Hell, if you saved up some coupons/ingots you could get a decent ninja at the end of the event after getting all the frags you can.

Total Spending Rebate - Complete clown fiesta. Not only is Minato pretty well just a trophy ninja and something to just mess around with, he is horribly inflated in price compared to what others have got him, 15k total spending if memory serves. There is not even another rebate event or worth while deals going on to warrent or otherwise entice people into dropping that kind of money on what amounts to a "look what i got" ninja.

Overall the events are just not that good, and I believe an *ysis of spending would prove this. The rebate wheel with Raikage was really good. I didnt expect to get him, he is just bait, but the returns on that whel were pretty good considering you needed only recharge to get spins, likely netting a nice chunk of bonus coupons in the process, excellent. Bringing out rebate wheels like that is good, trying to charge 800$ for Minato like its some kind of "deal", not good.

Anyways, thats just my 2 cents,do what you will with it. This post was last edited by LargeBoy at 2017-1-27 08:07
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On 2017-01-27 09:35:40Show this Author Only
  • LargeBoy On 2017-01-27 08:05:56
  • Ya, im pretty well done recharging except to refill monthly pack and try your luck spins. Unless worth while events with GOOD discounts come out ;P

    Sakura Festival - Eh, its free so whatever I guess. I think they could have doubled the amount of coupons, seal frags and coins you get from it though. Seems pretty stingy.

    Land of Lightning - I like the option of being able to outright buy a ninja, but its not really at a discount. I dont like not having the option to purchase single frags and slowly work on getting the ninja either. For people who are frugal with coupons and ingots, its a nice option to be able ot grab 20 frags here and their and get the ninja overtime.

    Wheel of Fortune - Mostly crap, as it always is, and once more Konan is being milked. Sure, we got Swim Suit Ino in it this time, but its still pretty insulting to have cultivation runes, a single seal frag and coins in it, especialy considering you are most likely to land on those, and for 20 ingots each its hardly "fortunte". You are better off not wasting any currecny on this.

    Mission Mobilization - This is not terrible. I noticed Hashirama is not in the pack anymore and im not keen on that, but being able to get 20 or so frags for decent ninjas, possible finishing them off or otherwise making progres towards them is nice. I would say this is one of the better events, and the only truly good one this cycle. Hell, if you saved up some coupons/ingots you could get a decent ninja at the end of the event after getting all the frags you can.

    Total Spending Rebate - Complete clown fiesta. Not only is Minato pretty well just a trophy ninja and something to just mess around with, he is horribly inflated in price compared to what others have got him, 15k total spending if memory serves. There is not even another rebate event or worth while deals going on to warrent or otherwise entice people into dropping that kind of money on what amounts to a "look what i got" ninja.

    Overall the events are just not that good, and I believe an *ysis of spending would prove this. The rebate wheel with Raikage was really good. I didnt expect to get him, he is just bait, but the returns on that whel were pretty good considering you needed only recharge to get spins, likely netting a nice chunk of bonus coupons in the process, excellent. Bringing out rebate wheels like that is good, trying to charge 800$ for Minato like its some kind of "deal", not good.

    Anyways, thats just my 2 cents,do what you will with it. This post was last edited by LargeBoy at 2017-1-27 08:07

thanks for taking your time to make a thorough response about the events. We've note down all your responses and compiled it with other suggestions from players.

For other players, specific details and recommendations to improve future/new events are welcome. We always seek your feedbacks and ideas on how to improve the gaming community.

Appreciate your responses and feedbacks.

Thank you. :$
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On 2017-01-27 09:57:20Show this Author Only
this event is horrible really:lol:lol Nothing to increase power at all except magamata from land of lightning
P.S the monthly gift box and Mission gift box is not woth to purchase except if u go after hanzo, who is only useful in ranked and probably gnw.
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-1-27 09:59
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-1-27 09:59
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On 2017-01-27 10:01:19Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-01-27 09:35:40
  • Hello,

    thanks for taking your time to make a thorough response about the events. We've note down all your responses and compiled it with other suggestions from players.

    For other players, specific details and recommendations to improve future/new events are welcome. We always seek your feedbacks and ideas on how to improve the gaming community.

    Appreciate your responses and feedbacks.

    Thank you. :$
See... you guys say this, but nothing ever changes. The player base has been complaining for WEEKS about how bad the events are, and how we don't get the worth for what we spend, yet nothing is done about it. It's the same cycle of *ty events almost every week. I get that we can't have great events every week, but come on... to keep trying to milk a ninja (Konan) who should already be free is kind of ridiculous
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On 2017-01-27 10:46:20Show this Author Only
  • Razukii On 2017-01-27 10:01:19
  • See... you guys say this, but nothing ever changes. The player base has been complaining for WEEKS about how bad the events are, and how we don't get the worth for what we spend, yet nothing is done about it. It's the same cycle of *ty events almost every week. I get that we can't have great events every week, but come on... to keep trying to milk a ninja (Konan) who should already be free is kind of ridiculous
they need 2 weeks because they already planned ahead at least 2 weeks.
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On 2017-01-27 10:46:46Show this Author Only
Thanks for the amazing events guys! I love minato! And hanzo! Hope to be able to get snothrr event where we can 4 or 5 star minato! And maybe skill books!
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On 2017-01-27 11:16:46Show this Author Only
After carefully reviewing the events, here are my general thoughts and overview for your feedback:

1. "Missions General Mobilization" - This benefits both f2p and p2w, love the free points and the freebies I can exchange it with. On the rewards selections, I do feel the price is increasing at *arming rate on d amount we had to spent per ninja frag (if purchased using mission gift box). However, love the keys availability, but not Hanzo at that rate, Hanzo end game still usable for certain set up but not on the set up I want to play. But I was happy that u put Bee so I can install some for a 4* bee hopefully on another event giving more bee frags away. Although I do notice u are doing a rotation, first u put up danzo in dice, the Darui in monthly, then Kazekage Gaara and now Bee, So I do wonder what you had in mind.
I feel buying a straight 100 frags for bee was not feasible at this point either, why so, because I don't see any good spending rebate. 5 Minato frag (while SS and 1 ninjutstu mag is negligible) for spending 5k is pretty useless for mild spender like me. Otherwise I would have been very tempted. Sage Jiraiya, not for me as I already have it 4*, nor does he has any use when u have too much ninjas to choose from.

2. Land of Lightning Treasure - Appreciate trying to cut down frags, GNW Ten2 from 80 to 30. But did not like the price hike again, while other ninjas are still being sold at 80 frags. I would have bought Shurado at 20 frag if I see one to make him to *4, but 80 frags nah. Stamina Pot increased price, making it less feasible either, would rather buy extra 50 stamina from 10 ingot on everyday basis instead (opportunity costs & alternative theory). Magatama price is only 3 ingot/coupons different from normal shop? It makes it horrible to be called an event-only shop. Seal Scroll at 100, might buy if I am desperate which I am not, thus I will get it at a better discount rate/event.

3. Wheel of fortune - I tend to be skeptical about wheels, but as I have heard this one RNG not too bad, so I ended up spending a bit to get my hand on Ino. Though I would not get it had the prize been much worst and in the case I do not get Ino, what will I be my worst return. This time I think u have improved the wheel but still the seal fragment is hard to take. had there been no Ino, I think the other prize dont do my ingot any justice. Afterall, Ino is just gonna be for my collection, a luxury spending, not a necessity.

4. Total Spending Rebate - I am aware that Minato could be very useful in a GNW team w curse hidan combos from another team but the cost for a virtual character that doesnt have a long-lasting usage (as the game goes on, he's very replaceable) is too much to bear. I believe this rebate event is not for me, nor does it have any other items I might like other than Minato frags. Perhaps if you had more complimentary items and lesser amount spending event I will really like. For example, spend 100, 250 500 1000 2500 5000. Instead of 1000 then straight to 5000. And of course, your valuation on Minato at 40k with nothing much worth to spend (under alternative/options theory where there are better events elsewhere u can spend 40k on rather than this event).
Ok let me give u my perspective on 40k spending, this coming from a level 81 player with 50k BP, ranked top 3 in a merged server and a non-* p2w. I tried doing the maths if I were to be more lavish in my spending, I dont get anywhere near 40k. Here's the rundown:
I ll spend for Bee and get 100 frags, thats 8k ingot;
I'll spend for Seal scroll in mabui's shop, twice a day, that will be 1k ingot at the end of the event;
I am not spending on other ninjas in this event as I have all of them already. Hanzo doesn't work with my Curse Hidan either.
I also spent 600 ingot on Lucky Wheel to get Ino.
Total ingot I could spent: less than 10k, if i were to go for hanzo, I would have spent almost 20k. Even if I were to make Hanzo a 4*, it will be still less than 30k.
I am sure by then u will tell me we have recruitment feedback event where I can pull Kage treasure or Tendo Treasure. But I am sorry to say that as a p2p, I don't wait 4 weeks to pull those treasures (my patience has limits). I have pulled almost all that I need as I am now getting dupes until the treasure give me Ay, itachi Susano which is never in my plan.

Conclusion: From here, I feel very clear that this event is not for me, not for players who have been in the game long enough. This event is more suited to new players who are still capable of spending 40k without wasting resources inefficiently. For people like Ariesteaus who works in Oasis and said he will easily spent 40k for Minato just looked plain dumb to me. The return on my 40k is in my opinion and majority of the people here who knows the game well, is not worth it.
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-1-27 11:19
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On 2017-01-27 11:31:51Show this Author Only
Because of this event, I'd like to give a big middle finger to Oasis :victory::lol;P This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-1-27 11:34
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On 2017-01-27 11:54:32Show this Author Only
I don't get it why people have to flame everyweek about events. Don't get me wrong, I did flame and * talked about event before but that was "Fishing event".
Okay so I'll review all events in this month and give my thought about it. Also I'll give tips for p2w on how to spend your money right.

1. 5th January :
- Lucky star : Meh
- Limited packs : If I'm a p2w player, I'd pick up some of these packs.
- Ninja Puzzle : 140 cp and 2 seal scrolls for everyone. 10/10 love it.
- Summon Rebate : It's ok to have rebate event but it's doesnt really matter to me.
- Crazy slot machine : Meh for me but if I'm a p2w, I'll drop 10-20 bucks just to try my luck and slowly exchange my ingot for cp via "try your luck" everyday.
- Limited ninja and seal pack : I don't really care about this even if I'm a p2w.

2. 12th January :
- Time-limited Ninja Recruitment : Best event, I mean best reward exchange rate ever. I love this event. It gave me 50+ medium refine for FREE.
- Seal rebate : Don't really care.
- Daily purchase limit : Don't care.
- Ninja character plate : It's ok, gave me few summon scrolls.
- Wheel of fortune : Meh
- BA panic buy : If I'm a p2w, I'd buy tons of these and wait for BA rebate.

3. 19th January :
- Lucky wheel : Meh
- Treasure of the sage : I like it tho, I don't care about what they discount or how much they cost. They gave me free mood scrolls, cp and awaken mats.
- Mystery fruit : I don't really care, but if I have money to spare I'd pick up the 1st fruit.
- Refine rebate : No comment.
- Winter camp : I got some free cave keys, summon scroll and seal scroll from it. It's a nice event.
- Ayyyyy wheel : If I'm a p2w, I'l drop * load of my money to this but I won't aim for Ay. I'll save my ingot and aim for extra coupon, that's all.
- Arena training : Free stuff
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On 2017-01-27 12:49:31Show this Author Only
I mean..yes the events are terrible. But as a total big spender here. I rather they be bad alot of the time, I dont want to spend 400$ every week because the events are amazing. I rather the people who spend 40-70$ have a chance to play with me, not get decimated when they step near me

I think theyre just needs to be at least 1 good event per week for everyone, this week its missions box. alot of free cave keys so the big p2w players wont have 100 runes and f2p's wont have ..3?
This post was last edited by 888*** at 2017-1-27 12:51
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On 2017-01-27 14:57:50Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2017-01-27 11:54:32
  • I don't get it why people have to flame everyweek about events. Don't get me wrong, I did flame and * talked about event before but that was "Fishing event".
    Okay so I'll review all events in this month and give my thought about it. Also I'll give tips for p2w on how to spend your money right.

    1. 5th January :
    - Lucky star : Meh
    - Limited packs : If I'm a p2w player, I'd pick up some of these packs.
    - Ninja Puzzle : 140 cp and 2 seal scrolls for everyone. 10/10 love it.
    - Summon Rebate : It's ok to have rebate event but it's doesnt really matter to me.
    - Crazy slot machine : Meh for me but if I'm a p2w, I'll drop 10-20 bucks just to try my luck and slowly exchange my ingot for cp via "try your luck" everyday.
    - Limited ninja and seal pack : I don't really care about this even if I'm a p2w.

    2. 12th January :
    - Time-limited Ninja Recruitment : Best event, I mean best reward exchange rate ever. I love this event. It gave me 50+ medium refine for FREE.
    - Seal rebate : Don't really care.
    - Daily purchase limit : Don't care.
    - Ninja character plate : It's ok, gave me few summon scrolls.
    - Wheel of fortune : Meh
    - BA panic buy : If I'm a p2w, I'd buy tons of these and wait for BA rebate.

    3. 19th January :
    - Lucky wheel : Meh
    - Treasure of the sage : I like it tho, I don't care about what they discount or how much they cost. They gave me free mood scrolls, cp and awaken mats.
    - Mystery fruit : I don't really care, but if I have money to spare I'd pick up the 1st fruit.
    - Refine rebate : No comment.
    - Winter camp : I got some free cave keys, summon scroll and seal scroll from it. It's a nice event.
    - Ayyyyy wheel : If I'm a p2w, I'l drop * load of my money to this but I won't aim for Ay. I'll save my ingot and aim for extra coupon, that's all.
    - Arena training : Free stuff
Hello there,

first of all thank you for sharing your ideas, opinions, tips and suggestions to both players and us moderators.
Personally i really appreciate this kind of posts, since it helps the community with all the tips and overall review of what has been offered in January.

well, this certainly is a point of view from a F2P player now how about any P2P players, would you care to give an overall review of month of January maybe some hints, tips and additional suggestions as well? :) (if you are shy to share here, you can leave me a PM too :P )

Enjoy and have fun .

Thank you.
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On 2017-01-27 20:08:17Show this Author Only
Everybody's already given their opinions on the events so I won't say anything about that, but inflation was brought up earlier in the thread and I think it's worth talking about. Everything is more expensive than it used to be, GNW Tenten for example used to cost less than 2.4k coupons/ingots for a pack of 80 frags and get her to 3-stars, but now it costs 2.4k just to get 60 frags. You can't even 3-star her now without paying 3.6k. That's such a massive price hike, and it's seriously disappointing because I was saving up coupons for her and now it turns out I can't afford her after all.

Now, it was brought up earlier that prices went up because it's easier to get more coupons now, making the economic inflation justified. I suppose that sounds like a fair statement, but that doesn't take into account a few things. For one, no one controls the economy besides the Oasis Games. In an actual real world economy, prices are set due to supply and demand and the value of the currency. However, we as the consumers don't really have a say in the prices or money value set here, it's all entirely up to Oasis. The only thing we can do is speak with our money and refuse to pay the higher prices, but that's not all that guaranteed to change anything.

Going back a bit to why this was justified by others, the main argument is that it's easier to get coupons now. And sure, potentially ~1k coupons can be earned in a week now. But who actually has the time and the schedule for that? Anyone who attends school or has a job won't be able to stay on all day to collect coupons at every possible opportunity. My own schedule prevents me from participating in nearly all of the week events, and I'm sure the same could be said for a lot of players. The biggest source of coupons is by far Group Convoy, but I can only do it twice a week instead of all seven days. Not only that, but ingots have to be spent to get the most coupons, with a maximum of 210 ingots (or roughly $4.20) spent per week, essentially meaning you have to spend money to make money, just to keep up with the prices. So while this "inflation" evens things out for the people who can get every available coupon per week, it ends up creating a divide with the people who just can't play all the time, and ultimately just hurts us.

One final thing I want to note is that, if the prices rose because coupons became easier to get...then why does it cost more ingots to buy things as well? It costs the exact same amount for an item whether you're spending coupons or ingots. Why? If it's about easy coupons, then why is real world currency being devalued as well? The answer is simple: it's nothing more than a shady business tactic. F2P coupon income is only slightly higher than before, but P2W coupon income is exceptionally higher than before. Yet if inflation is what's really going on, it's being based almost entirely on P2W coupon income. The value of coupons has been lessened because it became possible to buy more, but even though we're spending more real money we end up actually having less game money than before.

This post was last edited by rob*** at 2017-1-27 20:13
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On 2017-01-27 20:35:14Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-01-27 14:57:50
  • Hello there,

    first of all thank you for sharing your ideas, opinions, tips and suggestions to both players and us moderators.
    Personally i really appreciate this kind of posts, since it helps the community with all the tips and overall review of what has been offered in January.

    well, this certainly is a point of view from a F2P player now how about any P2P players, would you care to give an overall review of month of January maybe some hints, tips and additional suggestions as well? :) (if you are shy to share here, you can leave me a PM too :P )

    Enjoy and have fun .

    Thank you.
p2p here(rather p2hf - pay to have fun), jan events were all awesome. nicely done. regards to whoever managed it. chuck the crap by others, they are just p2w ppl who just want everything when they recharge, they just fail to understand how these types of games work. i stopped supporting other games which dont listen to their paying customers but this month specifically you guys have got very nice events. if i had the money i would have got that kyuubi too(which was well combined with the Ay event)

to your devs, i will kick the hell out of them next time they make this mission box a non-batch thing. :P . either they messed with the rng function to batch use or they just didnt test well. my fingers are paining clicking *ons :P .

one thing i would like to see is the option of a one click daily thingy, i would really like that option.
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On 2017-01-27 21:14:27Show this Author Only
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-01-27 20:35:14
  • p2p here(rather p2hf - pay to have fun), jan events were all awesome. nicely done. regards to whoever managed it. chuck the crap by others, they are just p2w ppl who just want everything when they recharge, they just fail to understand how these types of games work. i stopped supporting other games which dont listen to their paying customers but this month specifically you guys have got very nice events. if i had the money i would have got that kyuubi too(which was well combined with the Ay event)

    to your devs, i will kick the hell out of them next time they make this mission box a non-batch thing. :P . either they messed with the rng function to batch use or they just didnt test well. my fingers are paining clicking *ons :P .

    one thing i would like to see is the option of a one click daily thingy, i would really like that option.
Are you sure that you are p2p player? Do you have possibility to spend for Minato or pull Itachi Susanoo? OAS wants earn money, players have them and wants to spend on game which they like. Here we try to find the best for both sides. The best events are those in which involved all players and doesn't matter how much money you have, like lucky dice.
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On 2017-01-27 22:08:04Show this Author Only
  • JakeGyll On 2017-01-27 21:14:27
  • Are you sure that you are p2p player? Do you have possibility to spend for Minato or pull Itachi Susanoo? OAS wants earn money, players have them and wants to spend on game which they like. Here we try to find the best for both sides. The best events are those in which involved all players and doesn't matter how much money you have, like lucky dice.
if you want lucky dice, then just wait for it. stop complaining about other events. what is the hurry?
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On 2017-01-27 22:16:04Show this Author Only
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-01-27 22:08:04
  • if you want lucky dice, then just wait for it. stop complaining about other events. what is the hurry?
Then you stop complaining about others complaining. Let them voice their opinions. Oasis accepts all feedback, not just others defending them. These events were alright. Nothing special.. well Minato is special
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