2017-01-25 20:42:20
Dear Players,
We are gathering info from almost all server on weekly basis, and based on the reports player feedbacks we are trying our best to satisfy everyone. We understand some of the events might not satisfy you, but it satisfy others ^^. Please enjoy the other contents of the game.
If you have any suggestions and events for free 2 play players please write it in details and you can either PM me or suggest it to customer service, trust me this random rants without any suggestions isn;t going to help either. Lets together help to improve the community :)
and kindly be warned as i've highlighted before and as per Forum Rules keep the insults threshold as low as possible.
Thank you.
if you say these are the things we want , why don't we see a battle armor rebate for a long time and everyone is crying about it everyweek , and why you putting this minato for 40k ingots he isn't even worth half the price what do you mean that's what player wants will players be like 'oh plz give us some hidan frags and yeah give us that rigged wheel that you can't use coupons on with the best ninja ever konan who should be a free at this time and yeah give me some more seal rebate cuz yummy imma pay more so that i can sell my house so i can get minato and a super rare what a great events, you go up last 3 weeks and now youre falling again i don't see a free event other than that * boxes event that i personally hate so much i can't stand it at any rate don't tell me that wishing event is a free one cuz it's not even worth clicking on it plz plz plz if you want to do events try to satisfy all players and not satisfy The big cash guys ..... hope you understand why we are complaining