You have a very solid line up as it is. That said, if you're just looking for something different and could care less how meta, or efficient it is I can give you an idea.
K. Bee, Water Main, Sailor Sakura, Kabuto
4 4 3 4 2
So this is obviously a gimmick, but a fun one nonetheless. You have two routes to go here: Front line Sakura or Frontline main. Sakura has better healing from her seal (4% compared to the azures 2%) while the water main has a better attack boost (8% over, again, sakura's 5%). That said, the water main has better life growth and gains bonus damage from her monster strength (which also triggers a reserve seal stack) where sailor doesn't. Regardless, you will want high life moods and tactics for both.
Proper killer bee management is key here. When the fight starts, you need to quickly assess the best buff target. Sakura obviously allows more poison applications with her standard (along with the healing). Kabuto should allow more seal triggers for both sakura and the water main.
With the bee buff on kabuto, you are looking at 8% healing and 10% attack to sakura, and 4% healing and 16% attack to the main - just from kabuto's damaging ability. Couple this with the fact that monster strengths self damaging aspect triggers the azure's reserve seal as well, and you are looking at a buff of 24% attack and 6% passive healing of total HP each round - not counting any damage from the opponent.
With two dedicated healers, sakura's surprisingly good healing mystery, and kabuto's damage pings triggering passive heals, you can facetank obscene amounts of damage and just get stronger from it.
Again, this team is super gimmicky and can be shut down by a few pretty basic line-ups. Additionally, losing the water main is a huge deal. Sakura acts as a mini azure, but it will be obvious fast that the missing chase potential and skewer is *ing. Without a sizable damage lead (and buff buildup) you likely won't be able to turn the fight around after losing her. Lastly, this team turns otherwise quick fights into drawn out slugfests. You might just not like the pace of the team at all, but I personally think it makes it more trollish.
Regardless, it's a fun little team that should mix up the gameplay and hopefully give a fresher perspective.