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[ Lineup ] Looking for the best p2w teams


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On 2017-01-25 08:04:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey peeps,
Ok at this point I have pumped a large amount of cash into the game mainly as I enjoy the hell outta it and wanted to support its on going development and on the hope it gets us a server merge as the server I play on is very dead but still...
I'm looking for your advice on teams and I have a nice selection for you to choose from to design a team
I haven't included a main as I'm not *ed to one specific currently I was previously Fire and switched wind at 2.0 but given the right line up I'm willing to change characters.

Also as a side thing to encourage good ideas and a competetive atmosphere I'll be giving away some steam keys to the best teams that I end up using.

Lets say Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Spelunky, Psychonauts, DmC: Devil May Cry. Winner chooses any one and get a random second game and 2nd and 3rd runner up will get one at random out of what is left.

Best of luck and thanks for all replies
This post was last edited by IDEDOnline at 2017-1-25 08:13
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On 2017-01-25 08:58:39Show this Author Only
I suggest you use Scarlet Blaze with Sage Naruto, Sailor Sakura and Sasuke (Normal).
Talent : 4 3 3 2 1 | Summon : Gold Snake
Formation :
Sasuke - Naruto - Naruto's clone
Scarlet - Sakura - Scarlet's clone
Max Combo : 7 - 8

With the blitz meta atm this team is pretty safe while can do good amount of damage as the fight go on. Not only that but this team can get better over time thank to skill breakthrough and skill experiment. I don't want to talk about that but I'll give you a screenshot about what this team can do in the future if you invest in them.

So 5* and 65% mood all of them if you decide to use them :lol
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On 2017-01-25 13:00:02Show this Author Only
i'll trade my shiny Hinata for your Sage Naruto :)
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On 2017-01-25 15:02:52Show this Author Only
I would recommend using the already strong combos u have. Naruto and Pain-Shurado are incredible together especially with a chiyo ten puppets. If u changed your main according to the strongest red ninja I'm sure u could have a 13+ 14+ combo with gold summ much earlier and cheaper. UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! DO YOU WANT STRONG 1v1? STRONG RANKED BATTLE? ICANT HELP UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT TYPE OF P2W TEAM U WANT!
Who is active on your server? Play against them accordingly. If they are late game lightning stay wind with Fifth KAzekage gaara, SAGE naruto, main and a strong pain knockdown repulse champ thats either heals or has hard cc (iruka/hinata/kabuto/sasuke/guy for fire) Do you want a sustain team? SN goes great with a healer that makes him more tnky and can debuff him like say a kabuto o.O

FYI Here's a 15hit combo that got me to rank one on my server currently. I got Tendo instead of Hashirama during tendo pulls. Getting SN in a few hours via event. SN + 10 pup CHIYO+Pain-JIDO +MAIN LOOKS PRETTY STRONG LO KEY

I've spent approximately 3k in game so far no-where near u but I'm just GETTING STARTED! After i make a strong fire main naruto build I'll let u know. I want dmg more than sustain because fighting stronger people with tnks and heals and hard cc u need dmg and debuffs and high combos inbetween their abilities. This post was last edited by BaddPandda at 2017-1-25 15:05
This post was last edited by BaddPandda at 2017-1-25 15:13
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On 2017-01-25 15:27:46Show this Author Only
^ man he provided ninjas on which to juggle team with.. you're doing something else.
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On 2017-01-25 21:10:10Show this Author Only

I just got SN and with the ninjas you've listed I came up with this for you after my own trial and error:

Talents: 2-3-2-2-1 Summon: Fukurokumaru

PAIN - JIDO - Sage Naruto - X -

You spend no chakra and no mysterys and you already burst something low or down completely.
Then you still have mysteries depending on opponent to choose from I suggest target their main, clones, heals , or low target.

IF YOU ARE LUCKY and were able to jido disperse any early paralysis and YOU GET ALL 3 mysterys up in round two!

Strengths: Revive, debuff disperse, lots of aoe dmg, lots of burst dmg so easy to drop someone in 1/ 1/2 rds with this build.

Weakness: 3 healers on one team, heavy paralysis, 3-4 mutilple debuffs on sage naruto/main

Here's a clip of me in game with it and also some of my ninja as well as the build on a simulator.
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On 2017-01-25 21:16:01Show this Author Only
It didn't wanna take second photo rip lol.
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On 2017-01-25 21:39:27Show this Author Only
The first thing that i can see is that you are asking for the best p2w lineups, while you have none of the "OP P2W OMG NO SKILLZ" that are so hated by normal players. Speaking of super rares like Ay, Ssn Sasuke for example. Or event ninja like DPB Hidan and 4-tails naruto. Or even rares like Bee and chojuro.

A team for each main that i've used with great success in GNW and SWB are:

Lightning main, darui, kimimaro, ningendo.
Water main, sailor sakura, kimimaro, darui.
Earth main, sage naruto, onoki, gakido.
Fire main, mabui, GNW tenten, mei.
Wind main, S. Naruto, Gaara kazekage, Temari.

Also consider some old teams that still work:

S. Naruto, iruka, hashirama + main.
Ningendo, gakido, shurado + main.
Ningendo, shurado, konan + main.
Ningendo, chiyo, akatsuki + main.

Also a really cost efficient team i have used but not really enjoyed is WB asuma, iruka, darui + lightning main. With lightning armor and beam of light, you will kill 1 or even 2 ninjas in your first move.
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On 2017-01-26 01:43:35Show this Author Only
Thanks for the wealth of knowledge put across in your posts, as ras said I mainly have rares and not so much super rares and I'm still working on those but my servers only just 4-5months old so I think I'm doing well.

As two of the suggestions are based around fire main I will test them first then proceed on to the others I will make an assessment at the end of the week based on how many suggestions I get and then pm you the keys if you won :D

Once again many thanks for the assist.
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On 2017-01-27 22:40:38Show this Author Only
Well as first suggestion i would do the shield wind team also known as the Empress Mei team.
So it would like like this
Main - Mei - X -
Mabui - X - X -
Sasuke - X - X -
Main skills would be 3-2-1-1-1
PET - Lightning tiger
The idea is to use all the skills on round 2 and reset them after. With all the shields you got the dmg and the hp and shield to survive others attack.
If you want a fire main team more i can do a fire team a bit later. Check out this team. There's a video of it in action on youtube. You can check it out there.
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On 2017-01-27 23:27:26Show this Author Only
Kaizer's Immortal team with variations

Water Main - SM Naruto - SM Clone
Killer Bee - Sailor Sakura - X
X - X - X
Talents: 3, 2, 1, 3, 2
Summon: Lightning Tiger King

Variations include:

Water Main - Kyuubi - X
Killer Bee - Sailor Sakura - X
X - X - X

Water Main - SM Naruto - SM Clone
Iruka - Sailor Sakura - X
X - X - X
Quicky Post

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