I want to tell you a story...
Once upon a Midnight dreary, while I wandered weak and weary, looking for a victim unknowning of what fate had in store...
To my sight there came a healer, an aquatic team fit and eager, and wracked me with frustration unlike any I had bore...
To the Ninja tab I rushed with haste! Applied his method copy-paste. Sadly it did not produce the effect I looked for...
Searched I did for other talents, control and power in careful balance, searching for a combo that health would thus restore...
I found only this and nothing more.

When mine enemy had come upon me, wouldst my health deplete like it had done before?

A swathe I cut through foe after foe, leeching through their attempts to murder me. Even though the enemy in this shot is stronger than me and even though I brought no control with me, my ninjas are basically full health. In fact, Gai was a shred from death just a second ago. Main and Gai use their vampire powers to make Taijutsu self-restoring. Sakura serves as the cleanse bot, efficiently removing all debuffs on the team so they can continue to leech. Kimimaro tanks, ignoring the first physical attack each turn while building towards his ultimate full-health restoring jutsu. They all combo extremely well together, ending off with Gai's ignition on the enemy to stop them from healing instead of me. My main gets a minimum of 4 attacks when he uses his jutsu, all targeting the weakest enemy, and if he kills a target he gets more attacks. All of these attacks leech to give him back health and he can murder clones with extremely efficient ease.
Counters: $@%#ing Hinata. Die in a fire Hinata.