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[ Lineup ] Vampire Lord Midnight Blade


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-11 01:30:59Show All Posts
This lineup is so weak to clones, Ignite and Hinata it's hilarious. How can anyone think this is a good lineup when you deal no area damage, apply no effects and lose to half the characters in the game.

Any targeted burst damage on Sakura or your main and you're completely screwed.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-11 01:56:31Show All Posts
  • Kyutaru On 2016-09-11 01:41:25
  • You're doing it wrong.

    The lineup, as evident by the screenshot, was for the lvl 55 range and features strong anti-clone powers. Again via the screenshot all of clones, Ignite and Hinata were present against my opponent. Yet I ended up with almost complete health from the stacking restores of Guy and Main as well as the condition clears of Sakura. Targeted burst is frequently directed at Sakura or Main yet they survive it and restore to full. Midnight Blade deals plenty of "area damage" with Lightning Armor and Bloodthirsty.

    FYI, I even clear Survival perfectly without casualty on a daily basis using this team.

    This team remains viable in survival even at lvl 73. Targeted destruction rarely occurs turn 1. Either the Lightning Main has begun his armored rampage and started some combos that slay a character turn 1 or Sakura has cleansed off debuffs, allowing Guy to interrupt whatever jutsu the opposition drops (restoring his health in the process) while Lightning does his thing (getting full health yet again, condition immune). By turn 3 the team is still alive and Kimimaro is restoring himself to full health.

    You're failing to understand how Timing works. You can't begin the turn with Ignition effects unless you're up against Playboy Sasuke or Itachi. As such, any damage taken the previous turn can be restored on the following. Sakura merely exists to ensure that's possible. If she dies turn 2 or 3, who cares? You've already unleashed at least two combos on the enemy team and defeated a ninja or two.

    Not at all saying it's a pro build for late tier play when Lightning mains no longer are OP and condition immunity takes precedent. But it's a * good one early on and even better for survival. This post was last edited by Kyutaru at 2016-9-11 01:43
I'm sorry, I'm doing it wrong? How exactly am I doing it wrong if I'm using that exact lineup, with those exact skills, timing everything correctly, and still getting dominated by Fire and Lightning mains comboing on Turn 1 and 2 with Ignite effects?

No idea what kind of server you're playing on if you say you can't start your second turn with ignite active, because Tobi, Sasuke 3* and Kakashi c*l easily combo turn 1, and ignite at least one member of your team. Then on turn 2, you're incredibly weak to any kind of combo against Guy, your main, or Sakura because you have no powerful skills to come back - ESPECIALLY with Guy being wasted in the third slot. You're completely giving your opponent all the tempo they need to lock you out, and making Guy's ULT only useful against the last character on the enemy team, or maybe the third, if they have weak initiative or are lower level than you are.

Yes, Sakura's ULT is good as getting rid of debuffs, but if you've been hit with ignite, you don't get the heal out of it, and any decent player will be able to ignore Kimimaro VERY easily and target down either Sakura or Guy within 2 turns, completely breaking any combo potential this team has.

Against weaker players, this works because you can take a few extra hits and still have some health, but any player even a level above you with a 6+ combo hit off any ULT will completely decimate this team, and I'll gladly show you a dozen lineups that will do just that.

Not to mention, bring this into Arena and play against a Naruto and your main attacks aren't strong enough to hit through their clones, so your entire first round is spent just clearing clones and dealing zero damage, then you have no followup until round 3 when Kimimaro ULT's - providing, of course, that his attack isn't negated by Neji, Iruka or Guy being in first slot.

The combo is fun, don't get me wrong. And when it works, it works, but this is a far cry from being viable in any 1v1 situation against any decent player.
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