2017-01-25 18:14:02
Exam 118: i tried using the same ninjas as before, probably not the most efficient way to beat it (somebody with ignite like kankuro/tobi in place of Iruka would have been better i think). This exam is simple (or i'm learning :lol)... I'm not writing a round by round since i did many mistakes ;P...Briefly, Hinata on 1st round will tank, then you just have stop their misteries with your chases (round 2 Naruto's rasengan on Water main, your main on round 3, etc.). Only thing to add: don't worry if they get back their health, your poison will be a huge help; their Naruto's mistery is no threat so don't worry too much about stopping him; save the interrupt for Jigokudo and always prevent the water main from using her mistery. As for talents, i didn't change anything, but, seeing as i finished at almost full health, i could have switched out the quick heal for an attacking standard.

Killing order: Kisame, Water main, Jigokudo, Naruto.
Exam 119: for this i got back on using 2 interrupters as my Hinata couldn't block any attacks lol.

Round 1: interrupt Chikusodo with Ao.
Round 2: Naruto on Konan and Iruka on Wind main.
Round 3: Main mistery on Konan, if you're lucky you'll chaos more than one target :D. At the end of this round Wind main and Konan should be about to die thanks to your poison.
Round 4: My Iruka died here, btw Naruto on Chikusodo and Ao on Minato.
Round 5: Finish them off :lol
EDIT: I forgot to put the power needed...power 38000. Also, i won't post anything for exam 120 as i used the ftp guide i saw here in forum :P
This post was last edited by MissKira at 2017-2-10 02:31
dude how i can interuf naruto kyubi mistery use iruka move 4? my hinata died round 4, and round 5 i need interuf but always naruto first move help
exam 117 This post was last edited by rachmatreall at 2017-2-15 05:25