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[ Player Guide ] Is there something about the movement order that I'm getting wrong?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 17:38:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Here's the thing.

I'm not exactly loaded, so my equipment don't have a lot of initiative (like, only 1st level refinement for all 20 pieces of equipment). In order to try and make up for that, I tend to push my guys all the way to the front (position 1 to 3) so that hopefully, I can knock out one of their guys before they knock out one of mine.

But many a times, my mysteries and standard attacks gets outsped by people from position 4 to 9 anyway even though my mysteries are prompt mysteries, and then my guys quickly get knocked out after that. Am I missing out something in the initiative stat or some other stat that allows them to overwrite positional movement orders?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:12:05Show this Author Only
maybe because your enemy initiative far beyond yours , so they can easily outspeed you. even you put your ninja on 1st position doesnt mean you can outspeed your enemy with higher initiative than yours, unless you have similar initiative with them then positioning rule is the key.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:24:18Show this Author Only
That's the thing.

Isn't it supposed to be the other way round?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:28:48Show this Author Only
  • diudiudiu On 2017-01-23 18:12:05
  • maybe because your enemy initiative far beyond yours , so they can easily outspeed you. even you put your ninja on 1st position doesnt mean you can outspeed your enemy with higher initiative than yours, unless you have similar initiative with them then positioning rule is the key.
That is rubbish.

1. Your initiative on move 1 competes with the opponent on their move 1 too (Mystery and Normal attacks)
2. A move 1 will always move first followed by move 2 (Its follows in an order)
3. The only time a move 1 loses to a move 4 of opponent team is he's casting a non-prompt mystery.
4. A prompt mystery overwrites all move position, BUT still competes against the opponents initiative if his ninja is also casting mystery. (Move 1 Mystery VS Opponent Move 1 Mystery)
5. For ninja that casts barrier as passive (Darui, Danzo etc), the barrier casting depends on the ENTIRE teams total initiative combined. So if your total initative wins your opponents one, your barrier will override his.
This post was last edited by Kynareth89 at 2017-1-23 06:30
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:48:38Show this Author Only
  • Kynareth89 On 2017-01-23 18:28:48
  • That is rubbish.

    1. Your initiative on move 1 competes with the opponent on their move 1 too (Mystery and Normal attacks)
    2. A move 1 will always move first followed by move 2 (Its follows in an order)
    3. The only time a move 1 loses to a move 4 of opponent team is he's casting a non-prompt mystery.
    4. A prompt mystery overwrites all move position, BUT still competes against the opponents initiative if his ninja is also casting mystery. (Move 1 Mystery VS Opponent Move 1 Mystery)
    5. For ninja that casts barrier as passive (Darui, Danzo etc), the barrier casting depends on the ENTIRE teams total initiative combined. So if your total initative wins your opponents one, your barrier will override his.
    This post was last edited by Kynareth89 at 2017-1-23 06:30
what you mean by rubbish? did i type something wrong?

but thx for the enlightment :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:51:25Show this Author Only
"even you put your ninja on 1st position doesnt mean you can outspeed your enemy with higher initiative than yours"

This phrase is misleading to the OP as you can tell he doesn't understand about positions and move #1. :o
So when you say that, it's like trying to tell him it doesn't matter your move number, its the entire initative the team has.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-23 18:55:20Show this Author Only
there is no "position 6" or "position 9".
there are only "#1 Action" , "#2 Action", "#3 Action", "#4 Action".
Move order is 1 - 4. #1 competes with opponent #1, and so forth.
Refines matter, grid position very very little ( only if identical refines, maybe it counts ).
Quicky Post

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