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[ Suggestions ] destroyng our will by troling us with events ..... everyone read


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
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On 2017-01-22 20:42:43Show All PostsDescending Order
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hi dear oasis game channal ...
it is just outrages the way the last event were popoin up so randomly , as not a high abilty to recharge ignots to the game when we saving to spend
our mony on this game and wating for events that can benefits us to recharge (btw didnt came for a long time ) we need a simple plan and get ready for ur celender weekly as it was , adn in the last month alot of things r coming with out notice and disapirring as well for no normal time to us to reacte
and use this events .

im as alot more playres were wating for recharge event and after we saw all this time it didnt came and that today there was no information abot upcoming events except the refine event some of us were sure that nothing will come untill next event cyicle (end ofthe week)

that means that some of us as well as i am alredady use the recharge in this week events and me that save for over 2 months mony to spend on ur game
that i want to enjoy and be competetive in recharge todayw and right after u relse anew event for recharge for tomrrow.

that is bs it is to rendome and now much of us lose our chance or getting rebate for rechargeing like spining the weel tomrrow and alot of other cool staff
that we will nt be able to use and it all for ur gaming randomly event releaseing cylcle lately

its not fair as a payng memeber and even as free memebers that for a finally good event of recharge after a while that wasent here we couldnot be ready for it coz of ur foult pls take it for ur attention and try to help for this that rechatge today insted of tomrrow coz we were not informed for the plan u had for us .......
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 8
On 2017-01-22 20:53:39Show All Posts
well but like we know and geting the information about events that r coming so it is kind of plannd...
and im not really care if plannd or not but dropinng 2 new events mid weekis stuped .
why not add the event in thrusday like all the time they used to do or even wait with it till next week cycle events
this is massed up and u can say its not
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