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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-22 20:45:50Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2017-01-22 20:40:48
  • 100 points for 1 frag of kyubi naruto vs 25 pts for hiruzen?

    May I know why Kyubi naruto is valued so high?

    How many points can a regular f2p players get in a day? Afterall the event is only for 2 days.
Kyuubi Naruto is thought of as an ultra rare tier ninja.

Though, you do have a point. It'd be great if a mod could tell us what the daily limit on points is, if there is one.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-22 22:05:33Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-22 21:52:41
  • Sweet momma, that wheel is *y!
Remember the Minato wheel.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 09:35:20Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-01-24 08:52:56
  • @Acer can you give feedback to the developing team that they really need to reward spender fairly. Many spenders spend a lot with the hope to get either raikage or 9 tails, but it's either probability is too low to get raikage or it's too expensive to get 9 tails frags. You guys can argue that 9 tails is super rare but super rare also has its reasonable price not the kind of price 1000 ingot for 1 fragment that you guys are offering right now. If you guys keep trying to do such thing, not just f2p players will quit but p2w players also quit.
    Remember that or otherwise this game will end soon in this server. The mass has more power This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2017-1-24 08:55
Hate to rebuff you, but y'all ain't listening.
Numerous players have told you that Kyuubi Naruto is ultra rare.
I even bolded it for you to let it sink in.
So no, he's not just a super rare.
He's one of the best late-game ninjas when you upgrade him to 4 stars.
Whoever has him pretty much wins, since he's so expensive.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 09:43:07Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-24 09:41:53
  • When he gets re-buffed that is, I don't like the way he is now and he's pretty much a late game character in terms of fights. You need 60 chakra and not everyone is keen on using Mabui or others to do a round 2 mystery.
And then Mabui will get nerfed when he gets re-buffed. ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 09:44:25Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-01-24 09:41:12
  • Oh Sht up man. Did I ask you for that toxic? We are customers so we have the right to ask. If you don't spend, we don't criticize you so don't put your nose in other business toxic.
Look, man.
You're being hella toxic to that other poor person.
Y'all need to learn how to treat each other like civilised human beings.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.
If you gotta have a go at each other, take it to pms so you don't embarrass yourselves in public.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 10:03:31Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-01-24 09:44:32
  • Did u know how to read man? Super rare, godly rare, whatever rare you name it. It always has a reasonable price. Do you ever go to the market and someone says an apple cost $50 today because it's super rare today while it was only $4 yesterday because it was normal apple. What Oasis doing is dictating the price that it's too expensive for spender.
    Since the beginning of this game, the company has made a lot out of us. It's time to give back
If every one of your posts begin with an insult, I don't see loads of people being pleased with you at all. Your argument is... I don't even have words for it.
Moving on.
Alright, so I'll give you an example of an ultra rare ninja we all want and love - Susanoo Itachi.
You can't get him unless rng is lucky to you, and you spend a mountain of seal scrolls, which as we all know, is extremely expensive.
It's the same idea here.
They explained that it was to spend ingots, and not that you were buying him outright from that event, so that was why the price was jacked up. I don't necessarily approve, but at least there's a valid excuse this time. They're not sneakily raising prices and then ignoring that it ever happened, at least.
You purchase things in the game to get ahead of other players, so that you can enjoy yourself more. It isn't like they're forcing you to take your money out. If it's a bad event, like a lot of them are, then skip it and spend it on something more worthwhile. It's not like there's nothing to spend on in the meantime.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 10:04:08Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-24 09:51:41
  • I don't think she'll get nerfed, there is nothing to nerf about :lol But like I said, Nine tails naruto is hard to use. You either go for a round 2 move, or round 3. Do you want a long fight or short.
Rip chakra.
Well, it is called the immortal team for a reason. ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-24 10:24:46Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-01-24 10:12:03
  • I agree with your point that we can just refuse to recharge if there are bad events. The point I'm trying to say here is Oasis has made a lot out of us, it's time to give back. There's never ever ever 1 way transaction. 1 way transaction only works for robbers or *sters. We put our money in, we should get sth of equal value back. Not like 5k ingot, nothing folk, good luck next time. That why I'm saying this kind business strat this company doing makes a lot of player disappointed
That's really up to Oasis to decide.
Neither you nor I can do anything to change it, and chances are, it won't be.
What I like to do in my *ysis of these events is calculate what the lowest possible prize I can possibly get from the event. If I'm okay with these calculations, then it's a good event to me. I then go ahead and spend my coupons or ingots if so.
It's perfectly reasonable for you to voice that opinion, by the way.
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