2017-01-25 10:43:16
I need some help, so why is a broken(unstoppable) Hidan that was $350 able to kill my $1000 nine tails ninja the first round. We have the exact same power and I have beat these type of players before. Please increase RNG percentage on lucky wheel so I can get him to 4 stars. Thanks for the hard work fellas.
u need to understand that the value of those ninja they price at is not based on the eventual battle prowess they possess. In Kyubii Naruto wise hes very rare but if the question asked was, is he effective against all the ninja valued cheaper than him? I don't think so. I believe u will need other jinchuriki (from jinchu treasure) to be stronger than u are against cursed hidan since they are all immune to the tags he caused. Also with other factors like combinations or GNW (team combinations) will still play a huge factor on who has the upper hand.
My suggestion is, have a team in mind before going for a certain expensive ninja, one without the other is incomplete.
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-1-25 16:24