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[ Lineup ] How do I beat this team?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-20 22:20:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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There is a team a few people on my server have which uses Sasuke (Susanoo) and lightning main with his anti debuff skill.
How can I deal with this? I cant combo sasuke, cant debuff him, is there anyway to build a team that has an advantage over this or is it just the only team in the game currently that can be built without a weakness? (as far as I can think of)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-20 22:54:09Show All Posts
  • Blaz On 2017-01-20 22:29:45
  • earth main, kage gaara, jigokudo, gakido with serpent summon. talents: 2-3-2-1-2
So basically a fully defensive team? Have you tried this? Its feel like sasuke can mystery every other turn would I be able to survive that long?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-21 03:47:26Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2017-01-21 01:45:18
  • It's very good team but it's definitely beatable. The biggest thing is not Ninjas it's power, if someone has that team they probably have power to match it, so if you are quiet a bit lower you probably won't win unless you run counter team that will loose to other stuff.

    But if you are same power, best imo would be.

    1. Lightning Armor + Buffs team

    Something like Iruka/WB Asuma+ Guy/Mifune/Darui/Danzo.

    Turn 1 Light armor and hold Iruka, if he acu Iruka, he has no chakra to Danzo, if he try Danzo interrupt him. Same power Sasuke will die turn 1.

    2. Wind with new Sand Dust mystery and/or Blind passive

    More options for ninjas here, something like Sage Naruto/Gaara/Bee or Gaara/GNW Kank/Gakido, a lot will work. Basic premise is remove his buffs and Sasuke loose a lot of damage and shied and 100% res, the match up will definitely be in your favor if you are same power.
Dym what im looking for is exactly a counter team, i dont care about anyone else haha the problem is I feel like one doesnt exist
Quicky Post

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