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[ Events ] Prize wheels are rigged


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-20 04:46:21Show All Posts
It IS rigged, as every single online lottery that does not have to disclose the exact odds of winning are, as it's not a REAL lottery. What's your point? This have nothing to do with gambling, which contains known chances, this doesn't.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-20 05:11:14Show All Posts
  • Stratofort On 2017-01-20 05:07:20
  • My point is it feels like a scam.
It's not even IMPLIED that the chances are fair.... Or perhaps that's only because I have seen those things on every other game?

It's only a scam if they say one thing and then does another, not really so if they never said the "one thing"

And no, it won't be against the law because it's not a real lottery. And if it was, they could just put some fine print in some corner explaining the chances that all of 5 people will read, as that's what IS required for real lottery, known chances, NOT fair chances. (take, for example, mcdonald monopoly, do you even know how rare the rare pieces are? You CAN look it up, most people don't, the pieces are NOT all equal, and that IS a real lottery)
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